Смотреть что такое "postmodernism" в других словарях:
postmodernism — postmodernísm s. n. Trimis de siveco, 04.01.2009. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic POSTMODERNÍSM s. n. curent artistic, tendinţă care urmează după modernism. (< engl. postmodernism) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
POSTMODERNISM — Postmodernism (posuto modan shugi) is a post– World War II literary movement that both continued and reacted against the ideas of modernism. In Japan, the movement began with Tanaka Yasuo’s novel Nantonaku Kuristaru (Somewhat Like Crystal,… … Japanese literature and theater
postmodernism — also post modernism, by 1977, from POST (Cf. post ) + MODERNISM (Cf. modernism). Defined by Terry Eagleton as the contemporary movement of thought which rejects ... the possibility of objective knowledge and is therefore skeptical of truth, unity … Etymology dictionary
postmodernism — the late 20c approach to the arts and architecture which generally distrusts existing ideologies and theories, is spelt as one word, as are the related words postmodern and postmodernist … Modern English usage
postmodernism — ► NOUN ▪ a style and concept in the arts characterized by distrust of theories and ideologies and by the drawing of attention to conventions. DERIVATIVES postmodern adjective postmodernist noun & adjective postmodernity noun … English terms dictionary
Postmodernism — This article is about the philosophy. For the condition or state of being, see Postmodernity. Postmodernism preceded by Modernism Postmodernity … Wikipedia
postmodernism — (houxiandaizhuyi vi) and ‘post ism’ (houxue) Postmodernism as a rubric covering various critical methodologies (deconstruction, post structuralism, post colonialism, New Historicism, and so forth) was assimilated by intellectual and academic… … Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
postmodernism — The use of the term ‘postmodernism’ in connection with architecture was not common until the critic Charles Jencks began publishing on the subject in 1975. Jencks described postmodernism as primarily a matter of ‘double coding’, by which he… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
Postmodernism — Sometimes used so as to include metafiction, fabulation, and literary self reference, postmodernism is a manifestation of a broader tendency against realism. Unencumbered by the dreams ofdialectical harmony, postmodernism celebrates the… … Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater
postmodernism — A term used to identify a broad movement across a number of fields including architecture, art and literature, that is united by its criticism of Enlightenment values and goals, postmodernism entered philosophical use in the 1970s and is… … Christian Philosophy
postmodernism — postmodernist, n., adj. /pohst mod euhr niz euhm/, n. (sometimes cap.) any of a number of trends or movements in the arts and literature developing in the 1970s in reaction to or rejection of the dogma, principles, or practices of established… … Universalium