posterior mean
Смотреть что такое "posterior mean" в других словарях:
posterior — adj Posterior, rear, hind, hinder, after, back are comparable when they mean behind in order of ar rangement in space. Posterior is the usual technical term for whatever is situated behind and is opposed to anterior {to an anatomical eye the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Mean — This article is about the statistical concept. For other uses, see Mean (disambiguation). In statistics, mean has two related meanings: the arithmetic mean (and is distinguished from the geometric mean or harmonic mean). the expected value of a… … Wikipedia
Regression toward the mean — In statistics, regression toward the mean (also known as regression to the mean) is the phenomenon that if a variable is extreme on its first measurement, it will tend to be closer to the average on a second measurement, and a fact that may… … Wikipedia
Arithmetic mean — In mathematics and statistics, the arithmetic mean, often referred to as simply the mean or average when the context is clear, is a method to derive the central tendency of a sample space. The term arithmetic mean is preferred in mathematics and… … Wikipedia
Statistical inference — In statistics, statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions from data that are subject to random variation, for example, observational errors or sampling variation.[1] More substantially, the terms statistical inference,… … Wikipedia
Maximum a posteriori estimation — In Bayesian statistics, a maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimate is a mode of the posterior distribution. The MAP can be used to obtain a point estimate of an unobserved quantity on the basis of empirical data. It is closely related to… … Wikipedia
Ensemble Kalman filter — The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is a recursive filter suitable for problems with a large number of variables, such as discretizations of partial differential equations in geophysical models. The EnKF originated as a version of the Kalman filter … Wikipedia
Geometric distribution — Probability distribution two name =Geometric type =mass pdf cdf | parameters =0< p leq 1 success probability (real) support =k in {1,2,3,dots}! pdf =(1 p)^{k 1},p! cdf =1 (1 p)^k! mean =frac{1}{p}! median =leftlceil frac{ log(2)}{log(1 p)} ight… … Wikipedia
Imprecise probability — The notion of Imprecise probability is used as a generic term to cover all mathematical models which measure chance or uncertainty without sharp numerical probabilities. It includes both qualitative (comparative probability, partial preference… … Wikipedia
Bayesian linear regression — In statistics, Bayesian linear regression is a Bayesian alternative to the more well known ordinary least squares linear regression.Consider standard linear regression problem, where we specify the conditional density of y, given x, predictor… … Wikipedia
Maximum a posteriori — In statistics, the method of maximum a posteriori (MAP, or posterior mode) estimation can be used to obtain a point estimate of an unobserved quantity on the basis of empirical data. It is closely related to Fisher s method of maximum likelihood… … Wikipedia