Смотреть что такое "post-dated" в других словарях:
post-dated — ˌpost ˈdated adjective [only before a noun] a post dated cheque has a date on it that is later than the date the cheque was actually signed, and cannot be cashed until that date: • From time to time, hard pressed debtors will offer you postdated… … Financial and business terms
post-dated — ADJ: usu ADJ n On a post dated cheque, the date is a later one than the date when the cheque was actually written. You write a post dated cheque to allow a period of time before the money is taken from your account … English dictionary
post-dated — adj. Post dated is used with these nouns: ↑cheque … Collocations dictionary
post-dated cheque — ➔ cheque … Financial and business terms
post-dated — adjective affix or assign a date later than the actual one to (a document or event). → post date … English new terms dictionary
post-dated check — A check that becomes payable and negotiable on a future date specified. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
post-dated check — A *check that can be honored only on a specified date later than the date on which the check is issued … Auditor's dictionary
post-date — ˌpost ˈdate verb [transitive] BANKING to write a date on a cheque that is later than the date when you are signing it, so that it does not become effective until then * * * post date UK US (also postdate) verb [T] ► to write a date on a document … Financial and business terms
post-date — To insert a date on a document that is later than the date on which it is signed, thus making it effective only from the later date. A post dated (or forward dated) cheque cannot be negotiated before the date written on it, irrespective of when… … Accounting dictionary
post-date — To insert a date on a document that is later than the date on which it is signed, thus making it effective only from the later date. A post dated (or forward dated) cheque cannot be negotiated before the date written on it, irrespective of when… … Big dictionary of business and management
post- — UK [pəʊst] / US [poʊst] prefix after, or later than: used with many nouns, verbs, or adjectives a post impressionist painting a post dated cheque … English dictionary