post exposure
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Post-exposure prophylaxis — (PEP) is any prophylactic treatment started immediately after exposure to a pathogen (such as a disease causing virus), in order to prevent infection by the pathogen and the development of disease.RabiesPEP is commonly and very effectively used… … Wikipedia
Post-exposure prophylaxis — A treatment administered following exposure to a harmful agent which attempts to block or reduce injury or infection. Prophylaxis means a defense or protection. Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP), for example, might concern the treatment of a health … Medical dictionary
Exposure — can refer toIn biology: * A condition of very poor health or death resulting from lack of protection over prolonged periods under weather, extreme temperatures or dangerous substances ( see also: hypothermia, hyperthermia, radioactive… … Wikipedia
Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction — (PSSD) [Bahrick AS. [ Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction.] American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy Tablet 2006; 7:2 10.] is an iatrogenic type of sexual dysfunction caused directly by the… … Wikipedia
Exposure therapy — is a cognitive behavioral therapy technique for reducing fear and anxiety responses, especially phobia, based on the principles of habituation and cognitive dissonance. It is similar to systematic desensitization, though it works more quickly and … Wikipedia
post-traumatic stress disorder — [pōst′trô mat′ik] n. a condition characterized by recurring and, often, disabling symptoms of anxiety, depression, etc., that later affects some persons who have experienced a traumatic event or situation, esp. combat * * * Psychological reaction … Universalium
Post-concussion syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 10 F07.2 ICD 9 310.2 … Wikipedia
Post-Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management — (PGPPM) is a unique two year programme leading to a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management. The first of its kind in India, it is designed to equip mid career civil servants with the concepts, skills, and techniques in formulating… … Wikipedia
Post-fermented tea — Post fermented teas are a class of teas that have undergone a period of aging in open air, from several months to many years. The exposure of the tea to microflora, humidity and oxygen in the air causes it to undergo further oxidation through… … Wikipedia
exposure therapy — n psychotherapy that involves repeated real, visualized, or simulated exposure to or confrontation with a feared situation or object or a traumatic event or memory in order to achieve habituation and that is used esp. in the treatment of post… … Medical dictionary
Post-lingual hearing impairment — is a hearing impairment where hearing loss is adventitious and develops due to disease or trauma after the acquisition of speech and language, usually after the age of six.Post lingual hearing impairments are far more common than prelingual… … Wikipedia