possibility sign
Смотреть что такое "possibility sign" в других словарях:
Sign language — Two men and a woman signing. A sign language (also signed language) is a language which, instead of acoustically conveyed sound patterns, uses visually transmitted sign patterns (manual communication, body language) to convey meaning… … Wikipedia
Sign (semiotics) — In semiotics, a sign is something that stands for something else, to someone in some capacity [Marcel Danesi and Paul Perron, Analyzing Cultures .] . It may be understood as a discrete unit of meaning, and includes words, images, gestures, scents … Wikipedia
Sign test — In statistics, the sign test can be used to test the hypothesis that there is no difference between the continuous distributions of two random variables X and Y . Formally:Let p = Pr( X > Y ), and then test the null hypothesis H0: p = 0.50. This… … Wikipedia
Project Sign — was an official U.S. government study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) undertaken by the United States Air Force in late 1947 and dissolved in late 1948. Formally, Project Sign came to no conclusion about UFOs [see Blum, Howard, Out There:… … Wikipedia
Call sign — In broadcasting and radio communications, a call sign (also known as a callsign or call letters, or abbreviated as a call, or otherwise known as a handle) is a unique designation for a transmitting station. In some countries they are used as… … Wikipedia
Nicaraguan Sign Language — Idioma de Señas de Nicaragua, ISN Signed in Nicaragua Region The Managua region, but spreading throughout the country Native signers 3,000 (estimated in 1997; no official census da … Wikipedia
Stop sign — A stop sign is a traffic sign, usually erected at road junctions, that instructs drivers to stop and then to proceed only if the way ahead is clear.pecificationsStandard stop signs have a specified size of 75 cm (30 in) across opposite flats of… … Wikipedia
Numerical sign problem — The numerical sign problem refers to the difficulty of numerically evaluating the integral of a highly oscillatory function of a large number of variables. Numerical methods fail because of the near cancellation of the positive and negative… … Wikipedia
Coca-Cola sign — The original Coke Sign, circa 1997 … Wikipedia
Coca-Cola Sign — The Times Square Coca Cola Sign is an electro kinetic sculpture created in 2004, replacing the famous three dimensional bottle design that stood for years in the center of Times Square. Entitled Simply Coke, the sign is covered in programmable… … Wikipedia
Reference — For help in citing references, see Wikipedia:Citing sources. For the Wikipedia Reference Desk, see Wikipedia:Reference desk. Reference is derived from Middle English referren, from Middle French rèférer, from Latin referre, to carry back , formed … Wikipedia