positive word

positive word
мат. положительное слово

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "positive word" в других словарях:

  • Word of mouth — is a reference to the passing of information by verbal means, especially recommendations, but also general information, in an informal, person to person manner. Word of mouth is typically considered a face to face spoken communication, although …   Wikipedia

  • word of mouth —   a term referring to the public discussion or buzz that a film can acquire, fueled by sneak previews and advance advertising; word of mouth is an important marketing element in a film s success or failure positive word of mouth gives a film legs …   Glossary of cinematic terms

  • Positive psychotherapy — is a psychodynamic method of psychotherapy founded by Dr. Nossrat Peseschkian in 1968 in Germany. It is based on a positive conception of humanity, and has an integral and holistic approach. It is today spread in many countries. The main center… …   Wikipedia

  • Positive pedalers — is a group of people living with HIV/AIDS committed to building a supportive and inclusive community for others and themselves through participation in bicycle related activities. Positive Pedalers comprises nearly 600 men and women with HIV/AIDS …   Wikipedia

  • Positive hardcore — is a term used in the American hardcore scene to refer to the music of hardcore bands that are socially aware or focus on values such as being inclusive, community oriented, and anti violence. Many of these bands (and their fans) describe their… …   Wikipedia

  • positive — [päz′ə tiv] adj. [ME positif < OFr < L positivus < positus: see POSITION] 1. formally or arbitrarily set; conventional; artificial [a positive law] 2. definitely set; explicitly laid down; admitting of no question or modification;… …   English World dictionary

  • Word Is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives — Word Is Out Theatrical release poster Directed by Mariposa Film Group Peter Adair Nancy Adair Andrew Brown Rob Epstein …   Wikipedia

  • Word salad — is a string of words that vaguely resembles language, and may or may not be grammatically correct, but is utterly meaningless. Examples of word salad include:: Wonder, why now? Like, there s this clever girl, and this clown right. They re… …   Wikipedia

  • Word of Faith — For a related article, see Prosperity theology. Word of Faith (also known as Word Faith or simply Faith) is a family of Christian churches[1] as well as a label applied by some observers to a teaching movement kindred to many Pentecostal and… …   Wikipedia

  • Word stem — Examples The stem of the verb wait is wait: it is the part that is common to all its inflected variants. wait (infinitive) wait (imperative) waits (present, 3rd person, singluar) wait (present, other persons and/or plural) waited (simple past)… …   Wikipedia

  • Positive liberty — #time:j F Y| #time:#ifeq:#time:Y|einval 2000|#time:Y|einval 2001|j F Y|j F|einval Progressivism Liberalism sidebarPositive liberty refers to the opportunity and ability to act to fulfill one s own potential, as opposed to negative liberty , which …   Wikipedia

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