positive functional

positive functional
мат. положительный функционал

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "positive functional" в других словарях:

  • Positive linear functional — In mathematics, especially in functional analysis, a positive linear functional on an ordered vector space ( V , ≤) is a linear functional f on V so that for all positive elements v of V , that is v ge;0, it holds that:f(v)geq 0.In other words, a …   Wikipedia

  • Positive behavior support — strives to use a system to understand what maintains an individual’s challenging behavior. Students’ inappropriate behaviors are difficult to change because they are functional; they serve a purpose for the child. These behaviors are supported by …   Wikipedia

  • Functional fixedness — is a cognitive bias that limits a person to using an object only in the way it is traditionally used. The concept of functional fixedness originated in Gestalt Psychology, a movement in psychology that emphasizes holistic processing. Karl Duncker …   Wikipedia

  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging — Functional MRI or functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a type of specialized MRI scan. It measures the haemodynamic response related to neural activity in the brain or spinal cord of humans or other animals. It is one of the most… …   Wikipedia

  • Functional Analytic Psychotherapy — (FAP) is an approach to clinical psychotherapy that uses a Radical Behaviorist position informed by B.F. Skinner s analysis of Verbal Behavior. Although sufficient for use alone, this approach is offered as something that may be practiced in… …   Wikipedia

  • Functional Food — (auch Nutraceutical von nutrition = Ernährung und pharmaceutical= Pharmazeutikum), auf deutsch funktionelle Lebensmittel, sind Nahrungsmittel, die mit zusätzlichen Inhaltsstoffen angereichert sind und mit positivem Effekt auf die Gesundheit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Positive — is a property of positivity and may refer to: Mathematics and science * Positive number, a number that is greater than 0 * Positive operator, in functional analysis, a bounded linear operator whose spectrum consists of positive real numbers *… …   Wikipedia

  • Functional weakness — is weakness of an arm or leg due to the nervous system not working properly. It is not caused by damage or disease of the nervous system. Patients with functional weakness experience symptoms of limb weakness which can be disabling and… …   Wikipedia

  • Functional Dysfunctionality — Album par The Uncommonmenfrommars Genre skate punk mélodique Producteur Christophe Arnaud, Alexandre Borel Label UFO Prod / Boomerang Prod, Kicking Records …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Functional integration — You may also be looking for functional integration (neurobiology) or functional integration (sociology). Functional integration is a collection of results in mathematics and physics where the domain of an integral is no longer a region of space,… …   Wikipedia

  • Functional (mathematics) — In mathematics, a functional is traditionally a map from a vector space to the field underlying the vector space, which is usually the real numbers. In other words, it is a function that takes a vector as its argument or input and returns a… …   Wikipedia

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