positioning flight
Смотреть что такое "positioning flight" в других словарях:
Flight dynamics — is the science of air and space vehicle orientation and control in three dimensions. The three critical flight dynamics parameters are the angles of rotation in three dimensions about the vehicle s center of mass, known as pitch , roll and yaw… … Wikipedia
Flight Management Computer — Flight Management Systeme (FMS) sind elektronische Hilfsmittel für die Flugsteuerung und Flugnavigation. Die ersten FMS wurden in den späten 1970er Jahren entwickelt. Der erste Einsatz erfolgte 1981 in der Boeing 767. Diese FMS basierten auf der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Flight planning — A Tarom Boeing 737 300 and United Airlines Boeing 777 200 taxiing to depart London Heathrow Airport. Flight planning is the process of producing a flight plan to describe a proposed aircraft flight. It involves two … Wikipedia
flight, history of — ▪ aviation Introduction development of heavier than air flying machines. Important landmarks and events along the way to the invention of the airplane include an understanding of the dynamic reaction of lifting surfaces (or wings), building… … Universalium
Flight management system — A flight management system or FMS is a computerized avionics component found on most commercial and business aircraft to assist pilots in navigation, flight planning, and aircraft control functions.It is considered to be composed of three major… … Wikipedia
Flight nurse — A Flight Nurse is a Registered Nurse who provides comprehensive prehospital and emergency or critical nursing care to all types of patients during aeromedical evacuation or rescue operations aboard helicopter and propeller aircraft or jet… … Wikipedia
Korean Air Lines Flight 007 — Flight 007 redirects here. For other uses, see Flight 7 (disambiguation). Korean Air Lines Flight 007 Artist s rendition of HL7442, the KAL 747 lost during Flight 007 Occurrence summary … Wikipedia
Global Positioning System — GPS redirects here. For other uses, see GPS (disambiguation). Geodesy Fundamentals … Wikipedia
balloon flight — ▪ aviation Introduction passage through the air of a balloon that contains a buoyant gas, such as helium or heated air, for which reason it is also known as lighter than air free flight. Unmanned balloons have been used to carry meteorological… … Universalium
Instrument Flight Rules — Unter Instrumentenflug versteht man das Fliegen, bei dem die Fluglage ohne Bezug auf äußere Anhaltspunkte ausschließlich mit Hilfe von Instrumenten kontrolliert wird. Der umgekehrte Fall ist der Sichtflug. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Allgemeines 2… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Global Positioning System — « GPS » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir GPS (homonymie). Un satellite NAVSTAR (Navigation Satellite Timing And Ranging) appartenant à la constellation du GPS … Wikipédia en Français