position report
Смотреть что такое "position report" в других словарях:
position report — A report over a known location as transmitted by an aircraft to ATC (air traffic control) … Aviation dictionary
Open currency position report — The open currency position report gives information about the open currency position (OCP) per currency, OCP per currency group and the total OCP. The open currency position is the measure of foreign exchange risk. It is the difference between… … International financial encyclopaedia
report — [ rəpɔr ] n. m. • 1826; « récit d un événement » v. 1200; de 1. reporter 1 ♦ Bourse Opération par laquelle un spéculateur vend au comptant à un capitaliste (⇒ reporteur) des titres, des devises ou des marchandises qu il lui rachète en même temps… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Report Baden-Baden — Report Mainz (bis 1998 Report Baden Baden) ist die Bezeichnung eines deutschen Fernsehmagazins zum aktuellen politischen Geschehen. Politisch orientierte sich die Sendung immer abhängig vom jeweiligen Redaktionsleiter rechts oder links von der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
position paper — position papers N COUNT A position paper is a detailed report which usually explains or recommends a particular course of action … English dictionary
position paper — n. a document, esp. a report, explaining a view on a subject, issue, etc., often by outlining a solution or course of action … English World dictionary
Report of Van Fleet Mission to Far East — The Report of Van Fleet Mission to the Far East is a secret report drafted by James Van Fleet, a US special mission ambassador, after a round of visits to South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines, and sent to the 34th U.S. President Dwight … Wikipedia
Position reports — Reports include: Account type info with default position code Bank related positions and limits Country exposure versus limits Customer daily position Customer position Foreign exchange position statement FX results Mismatch … … International financial encyclopaedia
report — Written or oral confirmation that all or part of one s order has been executed, including the price and size parameters of the trade being reported; often followed by a fresh picture. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary A premium on carrying over a… … Financial and business terms
Report of 1800 — The Report of 1800 was a resolution drafted by James Madison arguing for the sovereignty of the individual states under the United States Constitution and against the Alien and Sedition Acts. [ The Report is also known as the Virginia Report of… … Wikipedia
position paper — noun 1. a report that explains or justifies or recommends some particular policy • Hypernyms: ↑report, ↑study, ↑written report 2. a memorandum summarizing the items of an agreement (used especially in diplomatic communications) • Syn: ↑aide… … Useful english dictionary