Смотреть что такое "portrait-painting" в других словарях:
Portrait painting — See Portrait for more about the general topic of portraits. Portrait painting is a genre in painting, where the intent is to depict the visual appearance of the subject. Beside human beings, animals, pets and even inanimate objects can be chosen… … Wikipedia
portrait-painting — porˈtrait painting noun • • • Main Entry: ↑portrait … Useful english dictionary
portrait painting — The profession or occupation of painting the portraits of persons … Ballentine's law dictionary
Portrait photography — (also known as portraiture) is the capture by means of photography of the likeness of a person or a small group of people, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The objective is to display the likeness, personality, and even the… … Wikipedia
painting, Western — ▪ art Introduction history of Western painting from its beginnings in prehistoric times to the present. Painting, the execution of forms and shapes on a surface by means of pigment (but see also drawing for discussion of depictions in … Universalium
Painting — For other uses, see Painting (disambiguation). The Mona Lisa, by Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci, is one of the most recognizable artistic paintings in the world. Painting is the practice of applying paint, pig … Wikipedia
Portrait — A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. For this… … Wikipedia
Portrait miniature — miniaturist redirects here. For manuscript illustrators, see Miniature (illuminated manuscript). Miniature self portrait, by Louis Marie Autissier, in the foreground, the artist s pencils, brushes, and tools for painting miniatures can be seen.… … Wikipedia
Painting — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Painting >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 painting painting Sgm: N 1 depicting depicting Sgm: N 1 drawing drawing &c. >V. Sgm: N 1 design design Sgm: N 1 perspective perspective sciagraphy … English dictionary for students
Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami (Raphael) — Infobox Painting| title=Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami artist=Raphael year=1515 1516 type=Oil on wood height=91 width=61 city=Florence museum=Palazzo PittiThe Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami is a painting by the Italian High Renaissance painter… … Wikipedia
Portrait (disambiguation) — The word portrait has several meanings: * For its everyday meaning, a visual likeness of a person, see portrait, or specifically: ** Portrait painting, the most common way before photography in which a distinguished person s image would be… … Wikipedia