Смотреть что такое "porter-house" в других словарях:
Porter House — bezeichnet mehrere gleichnamige, im NRHP gelistete, Objekte: Porter House (Mississippi), ID Nr. 86001702 Porter House (New York), ID Nr. 97000091 Porter House (Tennessee), ID Nr. 73001789 Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur U … Deutsch Wikipedia
porter-house — porterˈ house noun 1. A house where porter is sold 2. A chop house • • • Main Entry: ↑porter … Useful english dictionary
Porter House (Syracuse, New York) — Infobox nrhp | name =Porter House nrhp type = caption = location= 106 Strathmore Dr., Syracuse, New York lat degrees = 43 lat minutes = 2 lat seconds = 4.51 lat direction = N long degrees = 76 long minutes = 7 long seconds = 47.3 long direction … Wikipedia
William Sidney Porter House — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Dr. Joseph Y. Porter House — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Robert Porter House Bed and Breakfast — (Виктория,Канада) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 6 … Каталог отелей
Thomas V. Porter House — Infobox nrhp name = Thomas V. Porter House caption = locator x = 236 locator y = 146 location = Jacksonville, Florida, USA area = added = May 13, 1976 visitation num = visitation year = governing body = The Thomas V. Porter House is a historic… … Wikipedia
Porter Novelli — International is a public relations and lobbying firm that is part of Omnicom Group. HistoryPorter Novelli was founded in Washington, D.C. in 1972 by William D. Novelli and Jack Porter, advertising men who worked together to market the Peace… … Wikipedia
Porter Rockwell — Born c. June 28, 1813(1813 06 28) Belchertown, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Died … Wikipedia
Porter Shreve — is an American author. He is a 1998 graduate of the University of Michigan Creative Writing MFA Program, where he studied with Charles Baxter and Lorrie Moore, and he has taught at several American universities, including the University of… … Wikipedia
Porter Goss — Porter J. Goss Porter Johnston Goss (* 26. November 1938 in Waterbury, Connecticut) ist ein US amerikanischer Politiker (Republikanische Partei). Er fungierte von 2004 bis 2006 als 19. Direktor der CIA; zuvor war er seit 1989 Mitglied des US… … Deutsch Wikipedia