porcelain cement
Смотреть что такое "porcelain cement" в других словарях:
porcelain cement — noun : a substance (as equal parts of gutta percha and shellac mixed at a gentle heat) for causing porcelain to adhere to porcelain when applied at elevated temperatures * * * porcelain cement noun Cement for mending china • • • Main Entry:… … Useful english dictionary
cement — Synonyms and related words: Tarmac, Tarvia, accouple, accumulate, adamant, adhere, adherent, adhesive, adobe, affix, agglutinate, amass, anchor, annex, articulate, ashlar, asphalt, assemble, associate, attach, band, barnacle, belay, bind, biscuit … Moby Thesaurus
porcelain — Synonyms and related words: adobe, biscuit, bisque, bowl, brick, cement, ceramic ware, ceramics, china, clay, crock, crockery, enamel, enamelware, firebrick, glass, jug, pot, pottery, refractory, tile, tiling, urn, vase … Moby Thesaurus
Glass ionomer cement — A Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) is one of a class of materials commonly used in dentistry as filling materials and luting cements. These materials are based on the reaction of silicate glass powder and polyalkeonic acid. These tooth coloured… … Wikipedia
de khotinsky cement — |dēkə|tinzkē noun Usage: sometimes capitalized D & usually capitalized K Etymology: after Achilles de Khotinsky died 1933 American industrial designer : a thermoplastic cement resistant to water and most chemicals that is made by heating shellac… … Useful english dictionary
silicophosphate cement — a mixture of silicate and zinc phosphate cements, formerly used as temporary filling material and for cementation of orthodontic bands, cast restorations, and porcelain jacket crowns; it has been replaced by resin cements and glass ionomer… … Medical dictionary
Kalinite — is a mineral form of aluminium potassium sulfate, AlK(SO4)2·11H2O. [http://webmineral.com/data/Kalinite.shtml Webmineral] This compound is used as potassium alum in a wide variety of processes such as the manufacture of dyes, explosives, and… … Wikipedia
Crown (dentistry) — Intervention ICD 9 CM 23.41 MeSH … Wikipedia
Dental restoration — Intervention ICD 9 CM 23.2 23.4 A dental restoration or dental filling is a dental restorative ma … Wikipedia
Tile — For other uses, see Tile (disambiguation). Decorative tilework in Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, Isfahan, Iran early 17th century A tile is a manufactured piece of hard wearing material such as ceramic, stone, metal, or even glass. Tiles are generally … Wikipedia
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium