poor showing
Смотреть что такое "poor showing" в других словарях:
showing — n. performance 1) to make a showing 2) a good; poor showing (he made a poor showing) * * * [ ʃəʊɪŋ] poor showing (he made a poor showing) [ performance ] to make a showing a good … Combinatory dictionary
showing — noun 1 how sb/sth behaves or performs ADJECTIVE ▪ good, impressive, respectable, strong ▪ disappointing, disastrous (esp. BrE), dismal, lacklustre/lackluster … Collocations dictionary
showing — noun 1 (C) an occasion when a film, art show etc can be seen or looked at, especially a special occasion that people are invited to: a private showing of the film King Kong 2 (singular) something that shows how well or how badly you are doing: a… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
showing — show|ing [ˈʃəuıŋ US ˈʃou ] n 1.) an occasion when a film, art show etc can be seen or looked at, especially a special occasion that people are invited to ▪ I saw a private showing of the film. ▪ It was the comedy s first showing on TV. 2.)… … Dictionary of contemporary English
showing — n. 1 the act or an instance of showing. 2 a usu. specified quality of performance (made a poor showing). 3 the presentation of a case; evidence (on present showing it must be true). Etymology: OE sceawung (as SHOW) … Useful english dictionary
showing — noun a) A occasion when something is shown. We went to the midnight showing of the new horror movie. b) A result, a judgement. He made a poor showing at his first time at bat … Wiktionary
poor — [ pur ] adjective *** ▸ 1 lacking money ▸ 2 of low quality ▸ 3 not good enough ▸ 4 not skillful ▸ 5 lacking something important ▸ 6 less than expected ▸ 7 feeling sorry for someone ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) having little money and few possessions: a poor… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
showing poor judgment — index ill judged, injudicious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
poor-spirited — [poor′spir΄it id] adj. having or showing a poor spirit; cowardly; timorous; abject … English World dictionary
poor-spirited — /poor spir i tid/, adj. having or showing a poor, cowardly, or abject spirit. [1655 65] * * * … Universalium
poor old — informal phrase used for showing sympathy towards someone Poor old Diane, she really wanted that job. Thesaurus: ways of expressing sympathysynonym Main entry: old … Useful english dictionary