pommel horse
Смотреть что такое "pommel horse" в других словарях:
pommel horse — n. Gym. 1. a piece of equipment consisting of a HORSE (n. 9) with two U shaped or rounded handles on top, used for acrobatic routines 2. an event in which a male gymnast performs a routine on such a horse … English World dictionary
pommel horse — n a piece of equipment used in ↑gymnastics that has two handles on top, which you hold on to when you jump or swing over it … Dictionary of contemporary English
Pommel horse — The pommel horse is an artistic gymnastics apparatus. It is traditionally used by male gymnasts, due to intense strength requirements. Originally made of a metal frame with a wooden body and a leather cover, today the frame may contain plastic or … Wikipedia
pommel horse — noun a gymnastic horse with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright handles (pommels) near the center; held upright by two steel supports, one at each end • Syn: ↑side horse • Hypernyms: ↑horse, ↑gymnastic horse • Part Meronyms:… … Useful english dictionary
pommel horse — Gymnastics. a padded, somewhat cylindrical floor supported apparatus, similar to a vaulting horse but having two graspable pommels on top, used by men for hand supported balancing, rotating, and swinging maneuvers. Also called side horse. [1905… … Universalium
pommel horse — noun Date: 1908 1. a gymnastics apparatus for swinging and balancing feats that consists of a padded rectangular or cylindrical form with two pommels on the top and that is supported in a horizontal position above the floor 2. an event in which… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pommel horse — noun a) An apparatus for gymnastic exercises with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright pommels, as hand grips, near the centre; held upright with adjustable legs … Wiktionary
pommel horse — n. side horse, leather padded vaulting horse equipped with two curved graspable pommels used in gymnastics by male gymnasts only … English contemporary dictionary
pommel horse — noun a vaulting horse fitted with a pair of curved handgrips … English new terms dictionary
pommel horse — pom′mel horse n. 1) spo a padded, somewhat cylindrical, floor supported gymnastic apparatus with two graspable pommels on top, used by men for hand supported balancing and swinging maneuvers 2) spo the gymnastic competition involving this… … From formal English to slang
pommel horse — noun (C) a piece of equipment used in gymnastics with two handles on top, which you hold onto and jump over … Longman dictionary of contemporary English