Смотреть что такое "pomading" в других словарях:
pomading — po·made || pÉ™ mÉ‘Ëd ,pÉ™ meɪd n. hair cream, lotion used for styling the hair; perfumed cream, scented ointment v. apply hair cream; spread a perfumed cream, apply a scented ointment … English contemporary dictionary
pomade — /po mayd , mahd , poh /, n., v., pomaded, pomading. n. 1. a scented ointment, esp. one used for the scalp or for dressing the hair. v.t. 2. to dress with pomade; apply pomade to. [1555 65; earlier pommade < F < It pomata (so called because apples … Universalium
pomade — /pəˈmeɪd/ (say puh mayd), / ˈmad/ (say mahd) noun 1. a scented ointment, used for the scalp and hair. –verb (t) (pomaded, pomading) 2. to anoint or dress with pomade. {French pommade, from Italian pomata (so called because originally made with… …
pomade — [pō māt′əmpä mād′, pōmād′; pä mäd′, pä′mād΄] n. [Fr pommade < It pomata < pomo, apple < VL * pomum < L, fruit: orig. perfumed with apple pulp] a perfumed ointment, esp. for grooming the hair: also pomatum [pō māt′əm] vt. pomaded,… … English World dictionary