polyurethane foam
Смотреть что такое "polyurethane foam" в других словарях:
polyurethane foam — Polyurethane Pol y*ur eth*ane, n. (Chem.) any polymer containing {[ NH.CO.O ]} linkages; such polymers are much used as the basis of light but rigid foams for packaging ( {polyurethane foam}) and for hard coatings, as on floors. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
polyurethane foam — noun a foam made by adding water to polyurethane plastics • Syn: ↑polyfoam • Hypernyms: ↑polyurethane, ↑polyurethan … Useful english dictionary
flexible polyurethane foam — porolonas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Minkštas poliuretaninis putplastis. atitikmenys: angl. flexible polyurethane foam rus. поролон … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
foam´like´ — foam «fohm», noun, verb. –n. 1. a mass of very small bubbles formed in water or other liquids especially by agitation, fermentation, effervescence, or boiling: »Another kind of extinguisher that is valuable for oil fires pours or throws a foam on … Useful english dictionary
foam´less — foam «fohm», noun, verb. –n. 1. a mass of very small bubbles formed in water or other liquids especially by agitation, fermentation, effervescence, or boiling: »Another kind of extinguisher that is valuable for oil fires pours or throws a foam on … Useful english dictionary
foam´ing|ly — foam «fohm», noun, verb. –n. 1. a mass of very small bubbles formed in water or other liquids especially by agitation, fermentation, effervescence, or boiling: »Another kind of extinguisher that is valuable for oil fires pours or throws a foam on … Useful english dictionary
foam´er — foam «fohm», noun, verb. –n. 1. a mass of very small bubbles formed in water or other liquids especially by agitation, fermentation, effervescence, or boiling: »Another kind of extinguisher that is valuable for oil fires pours or throws a foam on … Useful english dictionary
Foam rubber — refers to rubber that has been manufactured with a foaming agent to create an air filled matrix structure. Commercial foam rubbers are generally either polyurethane foam or natural foam rubber latex.ee also*Talalay Process A method of producing… … Wikipedia
Polyurethane — Pol y*ur eth*ane, n. (Chem.) any polymer containing {[ NH.CO.O ]} linkages; such polymers are much used as the basis of light but rigid foams for packaging ( {polyurethane foam}) and for hard coatings, as on floors. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Foam — This article is about the substance formed from trapped gas bubbles. For other uses, see Foam (disambiguation). Soap foam bubbles Contents 1 Definition … Wikipedia
Foam peanut — Foam peanuts, also known as packing peanuts, are a common loose fill packing material which is also used to prevent damage to fragile objects during shipping. They were introduced circa 1965 by Dow Chemical. They are roughly the size and shape of … Wikipedia