Смотреть что такое "polysulphides" в других словарях:
Green ultramarine — Ultramarine Ul tra*ma*rine , n. [Cf. Sp. ultramarino. So called because the lapis lazuli was originally brought from beyond the sea, from Asia.] (Chem.) A blue pigment formerly obtained by powdering lapis lazuli, but now produced in large… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ultramarine — Ul tra*ma*rine , n. [Cf. Sp. ultramarino. So called because the lapis lazuli was originally brought from beyond the sea, from Asia.] (Chem.) A blue pigment formerly obtained by powdering lapis lazuli, but now produced in large quantities by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ultramarine ash — Ultramarine Ul tra*ma*rine , n. [Cf. Sp. ultramarino. So called because the lapis lazuli was originally brought from beyond the sea, from Asia.] (Chem.) A blue pigment formerly obtained by powdering lapis lazuli, but now produced in large… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ultramarine ashes — Ultramarine Ul tra*ma*rine , n. [Cf. Sp. ultramarino. So called because the lapis lazuli was originally brought from beyond the sea, from Asia.] (Chem.) A blue pigment formerly obtained by powdering lapis lazuli, but now produced in large… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ammonium hydrosulfide — IUPAC name … Wikipedia
Glass production — Glass is common in everyday life, from glass windows to glass containers. The manufacture of glass for everyday purposes may involve complexity and automation. This article deals with the mass production of glass. Glass container productionGlass… … Wikipedia
Hydrosulfure d'ammonium — Structure de l hydrosulfure d ammonium Général … Wikipédia en Français
lime sulphur — noun an insecticide and fungicide containing calcium polysulphides … English new terms dictionary
lime sulphur — /laɪm ˈsʌlfə/ (say luym sulfuh) noun a compound of lime and sulphur, forming polysulphides, used to dip sheep to prevent infestation by itch mites and in orchards to control fungus diseases and sucking insects. Also, lime sulfur …