Смотреть что такое "polynia" в других словарях:
Polynia — Po*lyn i*a, n. [Russ. poluineia a warm place in water, i. e., a place which does not freeze.] The open sea supposed to surround the north pole. Kane. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Polynia — Als Polynja (auch: Polynya, Polynia) bezeichnet man eine große Öffnung im arktischen oder antarktischen Meereis, die eine Fläche von mehreren Tausend Quadratkilometern erreichen kann. Der Begriff leitet sich vom Wort полынья [pɐɫɨˈɲja] ab, das in … Deutsch Wikipedia
polynia — open water surrounded by ice in the Arctic, formed by wind displacement or warm upwelling (Russian) … Dictionary of ichthyology
polynia — po·lyn·ia … English syllables
polynia — /pəˈlɪnjə/ (say puh linyuh) noun → polynya …
polynia — noun see polynya … Useful english dictionary
Polinia (glaciología) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Diagrama de los procesos glaciares. Las polinias costeras en la Antártida se producen por la acción de los vientos catabáticos. Una polinia (en inglés, «polynya») es un espacio abierto de agua rodeado de hielo marino … Wikipedia Español
Old Polina — is a traditional Newfoundland folk song. It is most likely based on the ship Polynia, built in 1861, of the Dundee Seal and Whale Fishing Company fleet. The Polynia was commanded by Captain William Guy from 1883 to 1891, when it was sunk by ice… … Wikipedia
Polynya (disambiguation) — A polynya is a non linear area of open water surrounded by sea ice. Polynya may also refer to: * Polynia (ship), a ship crushed in sea ice in 1891 and commemorated in the song Old Polina * Kane’s Polynia, an open sea rumored to exist around the… … Wikipedia
List of English words of Russian origin — Including English, contain words most likely borrowed from the Russian language. Not all of the words are truly fluent Russian or Slavic origin. Some of them co exist in other Slavic languages and it is difficult to decide whether they made… … Wikipedia
po|lyn|ya — «puh LIHN yuh, POL uhn YAH», noun. = polynia. (Cf. ↑polynia) … Useful english dictionary