- polymerization loss
- полимеризационные потери при очистке крекинг-бензинов (вызываемые полимеризацией легких алкенов)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Polymerization — An example of alkene polymerization, in which each Styrene monomer unit s double bond reforms as a single bond with another styrene monomer and forms polystyrene. In polymer chemistry, polymerization is a process of reacting monomer molecules… … Wikipedia
Step-growth polymerization — is a polymerization process that involves a chemical reaction between multifunctional monomer molecules. In a step growth reaction, the growing chains may react with each other to form even longer chains. This applies to chains of all lengths.… … Wikipedia
полимеризационные потери при очистке крекинг-бензинов — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN polymerization loss … Справочник технического переводчика
industrial polymers, major — Introduction chemical compounds used in the manufacture of synthetic industrial materials. In the commercial production of plastics, elastomers, man made fibres, adhesives, and surface coatings, a tremendous variety of polymers are… … Universalium
Robert Gilbert (chemist) — Robert G. Gilbert (born 1946) is one of the world s foremost polymer chemists, particularly in the field of emulsion polymerisation. In 1970, he gained his PhD from the Australian National University, and worked at the University of Sydney from… … Wikipedia
hydrocarbon — hydrocarbonaceous, adj. /huy dreuh kahr beuhn, huy dreuh kahr /, n. any of a class of compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon, as an alkane, methane, CH4, an alkene, ethylene, C2H4, an alkyne, acetylene, C2H2, or an aromatic compound,… … Universalium
Acrylic glass — chembox new ImageFile = PMMA repeating unit.svg ImageSize = 100px IUPACName = SystematicName = OtherNames = poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) methyl methacrylate resin Section1 = Chembox Identifiers Abbreviations = CASNo = 9011 14 7 EINECS =… … Wikipedia
heredity — /heuh red i tee/, n., pl. heredities. Biol. 1. the transmission of genetic characters from parents to offspring: it is dependent upon the segregation and recombination of genes during meiosis and fertilization and results in the genesis of a new… … Universalium
Mathematics and Physical Sciences — ▪ 2003 Introduction Mathematics Mathematics in 2002 was marked by two discoveries in number theory. The first may have practical implications; the second satisfied a 150 year old curiosity. Computer scientist Manindra Agrawal of the… … Universalium
Discovery and development of tubulin inhibitors — Tubulin inhibitors interfere directly with the tubulin system which is in contrast to those drugs acting on DNA for cancer chemotherapy. Microtubules play an important role in eukaryotic cells. Alpha and beta tubulin, the main components of… … Wikipedia
industrial polymers, chemistry of — Introduction structure and composition of chemical compounds made up of long, chainlike molecules (molecule). What distinguishes polymers from other types of compounds is the extremely large size of the molecules. The size of a… … Universalium