- polyhalite
- минер. полигалит (минералогия) полигалит
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
POLYHALITE — La polyhalite est un sulfate hydraté de potassium, de calcium et de magnésium: K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4,2 H2O. D’allure massive ou parfois fibreuse, la polyhalite cristallise dans le système triclinique; les cristaux en tablette sont petits et rares.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Polyhalite — is an evaporite mineral, a hydrated sulfate of potassium, calcium and magnesium with formula: K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4 middot;2(H2O). Polyhalite crystallizes in the triclinic system although crystals are very rare. The normal habit is massive to fibrous. It … Wikipedia
Polyhalite — Pol y*ha lite, n. [Poly + Gr. ? salt.] (Min.) A mineral usually occurring in fibrous masses, of a brick red color, being tinged with iron, and consisting chiefly of the sulphates of lime, magnesia, and soda. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
polyhalite — ▪ mineral a sulfate mineral in evaporite deposits [K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4·2H2O] that often occurs with anhydrite and halite. Its name, from the Greek words meaning “many salts,” reflects its composition, hydrated sulfates of potassium, calcium, and… … Universalium
polyhalite — polihalitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė K₂Ca₂Mg[SO₄]₄·2H₂O atitikmenys: angl. polyhalite rus. полигалит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
polyhalite — noun A mineral usually occurring in fibrous masses, of a brick red color, being tinged with iron, and consisting chiefly of the sulphates of lime, magnesia, and soda … Wiktionary
polyhalite — poly·halite … English syllables
polyhalite — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈhaˌlīt, ˈhā noun ( s) Etymology: German polyhalit, from poly + hal + it ite : a mineral K2MgCa2(SO4)4.2H2O occurring usually in fibrous masses of a brick red color due to iron but consisting essentially of hydrous sulfate of calcium,… … Useful english dictionary
Polyhalit — Chemische Formel K2Ca2Mg[SO4]4 • 2H2O Mineralklasse Sulfate, Selenate, Tellurate, Chromate, Molybdate und Wolframate 7.CC.65 (8. Auflage: VI/C.20 10) (nach Strunz) (nach Dana) Kristallsystem triklin (pseudo orthorhombisch) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Evaporite — Cobble encrusted with halite evaporated from the Dead Sea, Israel. Evaporite ( / … Wikipedia
List of minerals N-R (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia