- polyalphabetic
- Многоалфавитное
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Polyalphabetic cipher — A polyalphabetic cipher is any cipher based on substitution, using multiple substitution alphabets. The Vigenère cipher is probably the best known example of a polyalphabetic cipher, though it is a simplified special case. The Enigma machine is… … Wikipedia
polyalphabetic — adjective Describing a substitution cipher in which plaintext letters in different positions are enciphered using different cryptoalphabets … Wiktionary
polyalphabetic — poly·alphabetic … English syllables
polyalphabetic — … Useful english dictionary
polyalphabetic substitution — /pol ee al feuh bet ik, pol ee /, Cryptography. a system of substitution that mixes together a number of cipher alphabets in a cryptogram so that each plaintext letter is represented by a cipher that repeatedly changes. Cf. monoalphabetic… … Universalium
polyalphabetic substitution — /pol ee al feuh bet ik, pol ee /, Cryptography. a system of substitution that mixes together a number of cipher alphabets in a cryptogram so that each plaintext letter is represented by a cipher that repeatedly changes. Cf. monoalphabetic… … Useful english dictionary
Substitution cipher — In cryptography, a substitution cipher is a method of encryption by which units of plaintext are replaced with ciphertext according to a regular system; the units may be single letters (the most common), pairs of letters, triplets of letters,… … Wikipedia
Japanese cryptology from the 1500s to Meiji — The cipher system that Uesugi used is basically a simple substitution usually known as a Polybius square or “checkerboard.” The i ro ha alphabet contains forty eight letters, so a seven by seven square is used, with one of the cells left blank.… … Wikipedia
Rotor machine — In cryptography, a rotor machine is an electro mechanical device used for encrypting and decrypting secret messages. Rotor machines were the cryptographic state of the art for a brief but prominent period of history; they were in widespread use… … Wikipedia
History of cryptography — The history of cryptography begins thousands of years ago. Until recent decades, it has been the story of what might be called classic cryptography that is, of methods of encryption that use pen and paper, or perhaps simple mechanical aids. In… … Wikipedia
Vigenère cipher — The Vigenère cipher is a method of encrypting alphabetic text by using a series of different Caesar ciphers based on the letters of a keyword. It is a simple form of polyalphabetic substitution.The Vigenère (pronEng|ˌviːdʒɪˈnɛəɹ, veedj ih nair )… … Wikipedia