Смотреть что такое "pollinia" в других словарях:
Pollinia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ? Pollinia Clasificación científica Reino: Plantae División … Wikipedia Español
Pollinĭa — (P. Trin.), Pflanzengattung, benannt nach Vorigem, aus der Familie der Gramineae Andropogoneae; Arten in Ostindien. P. Spr. gehört zu Andropogon u.a … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Pollinia — Ver texto Pollinia es un género de plantas de la familia de las Poaceas, orden Poales, subclase Liliidae, clase Liliopsida, división Magnoliophyta. ● Pollinia argentea Trin. ● Pollinia maritima Merr. ● Pollinia monantha Nees … Enciclopedia Universal
Pollinia — Pollinium Pol*lin i*um, n.; pl. {Pollinia}. [{NL}. See {Pollen}.] (Bot.) A coherent mass of pollen, as in the milkweed and most orchids. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pollinia — In honor of Ciro Pollini (1782–1833) Italian botanist and physician … Etymological dictionary of grasses
orchid — /awr kid/, n. 1. any terrestrial or epiphytic plant of the family Orchidaceae, of temperate and tropical regions, having usually showy flowers. Cf. orchid family. 2. the flower of any of these plants. 3. a bluish to reddish purple. [1835 45; < NL … Universalium
Orchidaceae — Orchid redirects here. For other uses, see Orchid (disambiguation). Orchidaceae Temporal range: 80 Ma … Wikipedia
Taxonomy of the Orchidaceae — The taxonomy of the orchid family has evolved slowly during the last 150 years, starting with Carolus Linnaeus who in 1753 recognized eight genera. De Jussieu recognized the Orchidaceae as a separate family in 1789. Olof Swartz recognized 25… … Wikipedia
Ophrys — Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera var. aurita) Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
Pollinium — Pollinium, or plural pollinia, is a coherent mass of pollen grains. They are the product of only one anther, but are transferred, during pollination, as a single unit. This is regularly seen in various plants, such as orchids and many species of… … Wikipedia
Bumblebee Orchid — Ophrys Bumblebee Orchid Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia