polling interval

polling interval
(временной) интервал опроса

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "polling interval" в других словарях:

  • polling interval — apklausos intervalas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. polling interval vok. Abfrageintervall, n; Abrufintervall, n rus. интервал опроса, m pranc. intervalle d appel, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • interval — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ brief, short ▪ She ruled for ten years, except for a brief interval. ▪ long, wide ▪ You are advised to leave a wide interval before you have your next child …   Collocations dictionary

  • Opinion polling for the New Zealand general election, 2008 — See also: Opinion polling for the New Zealand general election, 2011 Opinion polling has been commissioned throughout the duration of the 48th New Zealand Parliament and in the leadup to the 2008 election by various organisations, the main four… …   Wikipedia

  • Confidence interval — This article is about the confidence interval. For Confidence distribution, see Confidence Distribution. In statistics, a confidence interval (CI) is a particular kind of interval estimate of a population parameter and is used to indicate the… …   Wikipedia

  • Opinion polling for the New Zealand general election, 2011 — Opinion polling has been commissioned throughout the duration of the 49th New Zealand Parliament and in the leadup to the 2011 election by various organisations. The main four are Television New Zealand, TV3, The New Zealand Herald and Roy Morgan …   Wikipedia

  • Opinion polling for the Turkish general election, 2011 — Opinion polling has been commissioned throughout the duration of the 23rd parliamentary term and in the leadup to the 2011 election by various organisations. The sample size, margin of error and confidence interval of each poll varies by… …   Wikipedia

  • Push e-mail — is used to describe e mail systems that provide an always on capability, in which new e mail is actively transferred (pushed) as it arrives by the mail delivery agent (MDA) (commonly called mail server) to the mail user agent (MUA), also called… …   Wikipedia

  • SFlow — is a relatively new standard for monitoring computer networks. sFlow specification (RFC 3176) and its first implementation were both launched in 2001. sFlow The sFlow standard describes a mechanism to capture traffic data in switched or routed… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital — For other uses, see Digital (disambiguation). A digital system[1] is a data technology that uses discrete (discontinuous) values. By contrast, non digital (or analog) systems use a continuous range of values to represent information. Although… …   Wikipedia

  • Abfrageintervall — apklausos intervalas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. polling interval vok. Abfrageintervall, n; Abrufintervall, n rus. интервал опроса, m pranc. intervalle d appel, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Abrufintervall — apklausos intervalas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. polling interval vok. Abfrageintervall, n; Abrufintervall, n rus. интервал опроса, m pranc. intervalle d appel, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

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