policy evaluation
Смотреть что такое "policy evaluation" в других словарях:
public policy evaluation — viešosios politikos vertinimas statusas T sritis Politika apibrėžtis Viešosios politikos vertės analizė, skirta tobulinti viešąją politiką ir už ją atsiskaityti. Vertinimo objektas yra viešoji politika ar jos dalis (programa, projektas, priemonė… … Politikos mokslų enciklopedinis žodynas
Evaluation — is systematic determination of merit, worth, and significance of something or someone using criteria against a set of standards. Evaluation often is used to characterize and appraise subjects of interest in a wide range of human enterprises,… … Wikipedia
Policy analysis — can be defined as determining which of various alternative policies will most achieve a given set of goals in light of the relations between the policies and the goals [Nagel, Stuart S. (Ed.), 1999, Policy Analysis Methods. New Science Publishers … Wikipedia
Evaluation approaches — are conceptually distinct ways of thinking about, designing and conducting evaluation efforts. Many of the evaluation approaches in use today make unique contributions to solving important problems, while others refine existing approaches in some … Wikipedia
Policy studies — could be defined as the combination of policy analysis and program evaluation. [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0033 3352%28199811%2F12%2958%3A6%3C533%3ABTPSEA%3E2.0.CO%3B2 C size=LARGE origin=JSTOR enlargePage] It involves systematically… … Wikipedia
Policy — This article is about policies in general. For government policy, see Public policy. For other uses, see Policy (disambiguation). A policy is typically described as a principle or rule to guide decisions and achieve rational outcome(s). The term… … Wikipedia
Évaluation des politiques publiques — L’évaluation en tant que nouvel outil d’aide à la décision publique est apparue aux États Unis dans les années 1960 avant de se développer au Royaume Uni, dans les pays scandinaves puis dans les autres démocraties occidentales vingt ans plus tard … Wikipédia en Français
Évaluation environnementale — L évaluation environnementale désigne au sens large l évaluation de la composition et des conditions de l environnement biophysique et de l environnement humain. La caractérisation de l état et des tendances environnementales, le calcul des… … Wikipédia en Français
Policy-cycle — Der Politikzyklus (auch: policy cycle) ist ein aus der US amerikanischen Politikwissenschaft stammendes Modell, das den Politikprozess in mehrere, meist sechs oder sieben Schritte gliedert und erstmalig von Harold Dwight Lasswell 1956 formuliert… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Policy cycle — Der Politikzyklus (auch: policy cycle) ist ein aus der US amerikanischen Politikwissenschaft stammendes Modell, das den Politikprozess in mehrere, meist sechs oder sieben Schritte gliedert und erstmalig von Harold Dwight Lasswell 1956 formuliert… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Policy debate — Part of the series Policy Debate Organization Policy debate competitions Inter Collegiate policy debate Format Structure of policy debate · Resolution Constructive · … Wikipedia