police shield
Смотреть что такое "police shield" в других словарях:
Shield — A shield is a protective device, meant to intercept attacks. The term often refers to a device that is held in the hand, as opposed to armour or a bullet proof vest.Prehistoric and AntiquityThe oldest form of shield was a protection used to block … Wikipedia
Shield (disambiguation) — Shield may refer to:Protection* Shield, a hand held protective device meant to intercept attacks * Electromagnetic shielding * Shielded cable * Energy shield * Deflector shield, a protective energy field * Heat shield, which protects a spacecraft … Wikipedia
Police auxiliaire du Département de police de la ville de New-York — (NYPD Auxiliary) Juridiction de la NYPD Auxiliary Création 1950 Type Agence gouvernementale … Wikipédia en Français
Police Community Support Officer — Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) ( cy. Swyddogion Cymorth Cymunedol yr Heddlu, SCCH or Heddlu Ategol) are uniformed personnel working with the Police in England and Wales. The Police prefix is optional, with Community Support Officer… … Wikipedia
Police Fédérale Préventive — La Police Fédérale Préventive (de l espagnol Policia Federal Preventiva), surnommée PFP est le nom donné à l une des forces de l ordre du gouvernement fédéral du Mexique. Sommaire 1 Fonction de la PFP … Wikipédia en Français
Police federale preventive — Police fédérale préventive La Police Fédérale Préventive (de l espagnol Policia Federal Preventiva), surnommée PFP est le nom donné à l une des forces de l ordre du gouvernement fédéral du Mexique. Sommaire 1 Fonction de la PFP … Wikipédia en Français
shield — ► NOUN 1) a broad piece of armour held for protection against blows or missiles. 2) a sporting trophy consisting of an engraved metal plate mounted on a piece of wood. 3) Heraldry a stylized representation of a shield used for displaying a coat… … English terms dictionary
Police procedural — The police procedural is a piece of detective fiction which attempts to convincingly depict the activities of a police force as they investigate crimes. While traditional detective novels usually concentrate on a single crime, police procedurals… … Wikipedia
Police Support Unit (UK) — A Police Support Unit or PSU is a unit of police officers who have undergone specialist training in public order policing. Police Support Unit training in the United Kingdom is voluntary tactical training undertaken by selected candidates that… … Wikipedia
shield — shield1 [ʃi:ld] n ↑shield, ↑sword [: Old English; Origin: scield] 1.) a) a large piece of metal or leather that soldiers used in the past to protect themselves when fighting b) a piece of equipment made of strong plastic, used by the police to… … Dictionary of contemporary English
shield — shielder, n. shieldless, adj. shieldlessly, adv. shieldlessness, n. shieldlike, adj. /sheeld/, n. 1. a broad piece of armor, varying widely in form and size, carried apart from the body, usually on the left arm, as a defense against swords,… … Universalium