pole trolley

pole trolley
штанговый токоприемник

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pole trolley" в других словарях:

  • trolley — /ˈtrɒli / (say trolee) noun (plural trolleys) 1. any of various kinds of low carts or vehicles. 2. a frame on wheels, used for carrying dishes, serving food, etc., as at a hospital or restaurant. 3. Also, hospital trolley; SA, barouche. a bed… …  

  • trolley — /trol ee/, n., pl. trolleys, v., trolleyed, trolleying. n. 1. a trolley car. 2. a pulley or truck traveling on an overhead track and serving to support and move a suspended object. 3. a grooved metallic wheel or pulley carried on the end of a… …   Universalium

  • Trolley — may refer in American English to: * a tramTrolley may refer in British and Australian English to: * a shopping cart * a gurney or wheeled stretcherTrolley may also refer to: * the San Diego Trolley, a major form of public transportation in San… …   Wikipedia

  • trolley — ► NOUN (pl. trolleys) 1) Brit. a large wheeled metal basket or frame used for transporting heavy or unwieldy items such as luggage or supermarket purchases. 2) a small table on wheels or castors, used especially to convey food and drink. 3) (also …   English terms dictionary

  • trolley — [trä′lē] n. pl. trolleys [< East Anglian dial. < TROLL1] 1. a wheeled carriage, basket, etc. that runs suspended from an overhead track ☆ 2. an apparatus, as a grooved wheel at the end of a pole, for transmitting electric current from an… …   English World dictionary

  • Pole — Trolley car a conveyance filled with advertisements, and occasionally passengers, and operated by Poles …   English expressions

  • Trolley pole — For the weapon, see Trolley pole (weapon). . [cite web| url=http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Civil and Environmental Engineering/1 012Spring2002/Readings/detail/green line project.htm| title=Boston Transit Milestones| author=Dr. Romin Koebel| work=MIT… …   Wikipedia

  • pole — I n. long, slender piece of wood, metal 1) to put up a pole 2) a breakaway; fishing; ski; tent; totem; trolley pole 3) a telegraph; telephone (AE); utility (AE) pole II n. end of the earth s axis 1) the North; South Pole 2) a celestial; magnetic… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • trolley — n. (pl. eys) 1 esp. Brit. a table, stand, or basket on wheels or castors for serving food, transporting luggage or shopping, gathering purchases in a supermarket, etc. 2 esp. Brit. a low truck running on rails. 3 (in full trolley wheel) a wheel… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Trolley — Trolleybus Trolleybus à Limoges (technologie Irisbus Cristalis). Le trolleybus est un véhicule électrique de transport en commun de voyageurs. Sommaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • trolley — noun (plural trolleys) 1》 Brit. a large wheeled metal basket or frame used for transporting items such as luggage or supermarket purchases.     ↘a small table on wheels or castors, used especially to convey food and drink. 2》 (also trolley wheel) …   English new terms dictionary

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