polarization scattering

polarization scattering
поляризационное рассеяние

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "polarization scattering" в других словарях:

  • Polarization — ( Brit. polarisation) is a property of waves that describes the orientation of their oscillations. For transverse waves, it describes the orientation of the oscillations in the plane perpendicular to the wave s direction of travel. Longitudinal… …   Wikipedia

  • Polarization in astronomy — Polarization is an important phenomenon in astronomy. The polarization of starlight was first observed by the astronomers William Hiltner and John S. Hall in 1949. Subsequently, Jesse Greenstein and Leverett Davis, Jr. developed theories allowing …   Wikipedia

  • Scattering — is a general physical process where some forms of radiation, such as light, sound, or moving particles, are forced to deviate from a straight trajectory by one or more localized non uniformities in the medium through which they pass. In… …   Wikipedia

  • polarization by scattering — sklaidos poliarizacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. polarization by scattering vok. Streuungspolarisation, f rus. поляризация при рассеянии, f pranc. polarisation par diffusion, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Circular polarization — The electric field vectors of a traveling circularly polarized electromagnetic wave. In electrodynamics, circular polarization[1] of an electromagnetic wave is a polarization in which the electric field of the passing wave does not change… …   Wikipedia

  • Circular polarization of starlight — The circular polarization of starlight has been observed to be a function of the linear polarization of starlight.Starlight becomes partially linearly polarized by scattering from elongated interstellar dust grains whose long axes tend to be… …   Wikipedia

  • Delbruck scattering — Delbrück scattering, the deflection of high energy photons in the Coulomb field of nuclei as a consequence of vacuum polarization has been observed. However, the process of scattering of light by light, has not been observed.[1] In both cases, it …   Wikipedia

  • Mott scattering — Mott scattering, also referred to as spin coupling inelastic Coulomb scattering, is the separation of the two spin states of an electron beam by scattering the beam off the Coulomb field of heavy atoms. It is mostly used to measure the spin… …   Wikipedia

  • X-ray Raman scattering — (XRS) is non resonant inelastic scattering of x rays from core electrons. It is analogous to Raman scattering, which is a largely used tool in optical spectroscopy, with the difference being that the wavelengths of theexciting photons fall in the …   Wikipedia

  • Rayleigh scattering — Optics. the scattering of light by particles that are very small in relation to the wavelength of the light, and in which the intensity of the scattered light varies inversely with the fourth power of the wavelength. Cf. Mie scattering. [1935 40; …   Universalium

  • Compton scattering — Light–matter interaction Low energy phenomena …   Wikipedia

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