polar space
Смотреть что такое "polar space" в других словарях:
Polar space — In mathematics, in the field of combinatorics, a polar space of rank n ( n ge; 3), or projective index n −1, consists of a set P , conventionally the set of points, together with certain subsets of P , called subspaces , that satisfy these axioms … Wikipedia
Ovoid (polar space) — An ovoid O of a (finite) polar space of rank r is a set of points, such that every subspace of rank r − 1 intersects O in exactly one point. Contents 1 Cases 1.1 Symplectic polar space 1.2 Hermitian polar space … Wikipedia
Polar wind — is the permanent outflow of ionization from the polar regions of the magnetosphere. [http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/browse?s=p p=43 AMS Glossary] ] Ionospheric Plasma SourceThe ‘ground state’ of the ionosphere consists of the baseline … Wikipedia
Space debris — populations seen from outside geosynchronous orbit (GEO). Note the two primary debris fields, the ring of objects in GEO, and the cloud of objects in low earth orbit (LEO) … Wikipedia
Space weather — is the concept of changing environmental conditions in outer space. It is distinct from the concept of weather within a planetary atmosphere, and deals with phenomena involving ambient plasma, magnetic fields, radiation and other matter in space… … Wikipedia
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle — Données générales Mission Lanceur LEO, GTO, orbite héliosynchrone et orbite polaire Période des lancements De 1993 à aujo … Wikipédia en Français
Space science — is an all encompassing term that describes all of the various science fields that are concerned with the study of the Universe, generally also meaning excluding the Earth and outside of the Earth s atmosphere . Originally, all of these fields… … Wikipedia
Space warfare — is combat that takes place in outer space, i.e. outside the atmosphere. Technically, as a distinct classificationFact|date=August 2008, it refers to battles where the targets themselves are in space. Space warfare therefore includes ground to… … Wikipedia
Space solar power — Space based solar power (SBSP or SSP) is the conversion of solar energy into power, usable either in space or on earth, from a location in space, usually geosynchronous orbit (GSO). Photovoltaics (PV) would generally be utilized for energy… … Wikipedia
Space Station Freedom — was the name given to NASA s project to construct a permanently manned Earth orbiting space station. Although approved by then president Ronald Reagan and announced in the 1984 State of the Union Address, Freedom was never constructed or… … Wikipedia
Polar pioneer — was commissioned in Finland in 1985 as an ice strengthened research ship. She was designed for polar travel, particularly in Arctic regions and now plies the waters of Antarctica, Greenland, Spitsbergen, Norway and Iceland. In 2001 she was… … Wikipedia