poke round

poke round
разг. высматривать, выискивать;
любопытствовать That policeman had no business poking about in our garage without a court order. ≈ Этом полицейскому нечего копаться в нашем гараже без санкции прокурора.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "poke round" в других словарях:

  • poke# — poke vb Poke, prod, nudge, jog are comparable when they mean, as verbs, to thrust something into so as to stir up, urge on, or attract attention and, as nouns, the act or an instance of such thrusting. Poke implies primarily the use of a body… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Round the corner kicking — was invented in the 1940s by Willie Horne, the Barrow, Lancashire, England and Great Britain captain and rugby league player. His distinctive round the corner style of kicking enabled him to kick over 100 goals in the 1945/1946 season and then he …   Wikipedia

  • poke — poke1 [ pouk ] verb * 1. ) intransitive or transitive to push something quickly with your finger or a pointed object: Jane poked me in the arm to get my attention. The boys were poking the worm with a stick. poke at: Tom poked at the vegetables… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • poke — Synonyms and related words: Roman candle, aid to navigation, alarm, amber light, amble, arouse, assault, awaken, bag, balefire, balloon, bang, bash, bat, beacon, beacon fire, bear, bear upon, bearing, beat the bushes, beat the drum, beating,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • poke around — Synonyms and related words: beat about, beat the bushes, burrow, delve, dig, explore, feel around, feel for, forage, frisk, fumble, go through, grabble, grope, grope for, hunt, look around, look round, look through, nose around, poke, pry, pry… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Algonquin Round Table — The Algonquin Round Table was a celebrated group of New York City writers, critics, actors and wits. Gathering initially as part of a practical joke, members of The Vicious Circle, as they dubbed themselves, gathered for lunch each day at the… …   Wikipedia

  • have a poke around — have a ˌpoke aˈround idiom (informal) to look carefully around a place to see what you can find; to try to find out information about sb/sth • His mother often goes into his room and has a good old poke around. Main entry: ↑pokeidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • pokeweed — poke•weed [[t]ˈpoʊkˌwid[/t]] n. pln a North American treelike plant, Phytolacca americana, of the pokeweed family, with edible shoots and juicy deep purple berries in depressed round clusters …   From formal English to slang

  • Gameplay of Pokémon — The gameplay of the Pokémon series of role playing video games involves the capture and training of a variety of fictional creatures called Pokémon and using them to battle other trainers. Each successive generation of games builds upon this… …   Wikipedia

  • Episodios de Pokémon — Anexo:Episodios de Pokémon Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Esta es la lista de episodios de la serie de anime Pokémon (ポケットモンスター, Poketto Monsutā …   Wikipedia Español

  • Liste der Pokémon-Episoden — Dies ist eine Liste der Pokémon Episoden, welche einen Überblick über die zurzeit 14 Staffeln der Animeserie Pokémon geben soll. Diese Staffeln gibt es in Japan in dieser Form nicht, dort sind es mehr oder weniger getrennte Serien. Die erste… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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