poke one's nose
Смотреть что такое "poke one's nose" в других словарях:
poke one's nose — To pry • • • Main Entry: ↑poke … Useful english dictionary
poke one's nose into — ► poke one s nose into informal take an intrusive interest in. Main Entry: ↑poke … English terms dictionary
poke one's nose into — idi poke one s nose into, to meddle in; pry into … From formal English to slang
poke one's nose into — verb to interfere or try to intervene in an issue that does not concern one. Have a nice day, Mr Perelman! said the cabbie. Listen! he said, Dont poke your nose into my affairs. Ill have the kind of day I want to. Syn: stick ones nose into … Wiktionary
poke one's nose into — informal take an intrusive interest in. → poke … English new terms dictionary
poke one's nose into — PRY INTO, interfere in, intrude on, butt into, meddle with; informal snoop into. → poke * * * informal take an intrusive interest in … Useful english dictionary
poke one's nose into — maybe Barry should stop poking his nose into other people s lives Syn: pry into, interfere in, intrude on, butt into, meddle with; informal snoop into … Thesaurus of popular words
poke one's nose into — interfere in someone else s business … English contemporary dictionary
poke — ► VERB 1) jab or prod with a finger or a sharp object. 2) make (a hole) by jabbing or prodding. 3) (poke about/around) look or search around a place. 3) (often poke out) thrust out or protrude in a particular direction. ► NOUN ▪ … English terms dictionary
nose — [nōz] n. [ME < OE nosu, akin to Ger nase, orig. a dual, meaning “the two nostrils” < IE base * nas , nostril > Sans nāsā, the nose, lit., pair of nostrils, L nasus, nose & naris (pl. nares), nostril] 1. the part of the human face between … English World dictionary
poke — I. /poʊk / (say pohk) verb (poked, poking) –verb (t) 1. to thrust against or into (something) with the finger or arm, a stick, etc.; prod: to poke a person in the ribs. 2. to make (a hole, one s way, etc.) by or as by thrusting. 3. to thrust or… …