poke around

poke around
разг. высматривать, выискивать;
любопытствовать That policeman had no business poking about in our garage without a court order. ≈ Этом полицейскому нечего копаться в нашем гараже без санкции прокурора.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "poke around" в других словарях:

  • poke around — or[poke about] {v.} 1. To search about; look into and under things. * /The detective poked around in the missing man s office./ 2. To move slowly or aimlessly; do little things. * /He didn t feel well, and poked around the house./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • poke around — or[poke about] {v.} 1. To search about; look into and under things. * /The detective poked around in the missing man s office./ 2. To move slowly or aimlessly; do little things. * /He didn t feel well, and poked around the house./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • poke\ around — • poke around • poke about v 1. To search about; look into and under things. The detective poked around in the missing man s office. 2. To move slowly or aimlessly; do little things. He didn t feel well, and poked around the house …   Словарь американских идиом

  • poke around — phrasal verb poke around or poke about [intransitive/transitive] Word forms poke around : present tense I/you/we/they poke around he/she/it pokes around present participle poking around past tense poked around past participle poked around 1)… …   English dictionary

  • poke around — v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) to poke around in ( to look through ) (stop poke arounding around in my desk) * * * (colloq.) (D; intr.) to poke around in (stop poke arounding around in my desk; to look through ) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • poke around — PHRASAL VERB If you poke around or poke about for something, you search for it, usually by moving lots of objects around. [INFORMAL] [V P n] He poked around the top of his cupboard for the bottle of whisky... [V P] We opened up the car bonnet and …   English dictionary

  • poke around — poke about we were just poking around some antique shops Syn: search, hunt, rummage (around), forage, grub, root about/around, scavenge, nose around, ferret (about/around); sift through, rifle through, scour, comb, probe …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • poke around — Synonyms and related words: beat about, beat the bushes, burrow, delve, dig, explore, feel around, feel for, forage, frisk, fumble, go through, grabble, grope, grope for, hunt, look around, look round, look through, nose around, poke, pry, pry… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • poke around/about — look around a place, typically in search of something …   Useful english dictionary

  • poke around — …   Useful english dictionary

  • have a poke around — have a ˌpoke aˈround idiom (informal) to look carefully around a place to see what you can find; to try to find out information about sb/sth • His mother often goes into his room and has a good old poke around. Main entry: ↑pokeidiom …   Useful english dictionary

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