- pok(e)y
- a
1) убогий, тесный;
2) неопределённый, случайный (о занятии) ;
3) безвкусный, неряшливый (об одежде) ;
4) амер. разг. медлительный, ленивый
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pok|y — pok|ey1 «POH kee», noun, plural pok|eys. U.S. Slang. a jail: »After all, if he d said those things to the cop he d have had a night in the pokey as well as the $25 fine (Wall Street Journal). ╂[origin uncertain] pok|y or pok|ey2 «POH kee»,… … Useful english dictionary
pok´i|ly — pok|ey1 «POH kee», noun, plural pok|eys. U.S. Slang. a jail: »After all, if he d said those things to the cop he d have had a night in the pokey as well as the $25 fine (Wall Street Journal). ╂[origin uncertain] pok|y or pok|ey2 «POH kee»,… … Useful english dictionary
pok|ey — pok|ey1 «POH kee», noun, plural pok|eys. U.S. Slang. a jail: »After all, if he d said those things to the cop he d have had a night in the pokey as well as the $25 fine (Wall Street Journal). ╂[origin uncertain] pok|y or pok|ey2 «POH kee»,… … Useful english dictionary
pok|er — pok|er1 «POH kuhr», noun. 1. a person or thing that pokes. 2. a metal rod for stirring a fire: »He stirred the fire with a poker. ╂[< pok(e)1 + er1] pok|er2 «POH kuhr», noun. a card game in which the players bet on the value of the cards that… … Useful english dictionary
pok — ka·pok; mau·pok; pok·er·ish; pok·i·ly; pok·i·ness; pok·kah; pok·er; ya·pok; … English syllables
pòk — tudi pók póka m (ȍ ọ; ọ̑) 1. kratek, močen glas: slišati je bilo pok; pok strela / pasti na tla z glasnim pokom 2. glagolnik od počiti: to je povzročilo pok kosti / pok z bičem medm. (ȍ) posnema glas pri udarcu, prelomu, strelu: pok, je… … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Pok — Dienstgradabzeichen der Wasserschutzpolizei Dienstgradabzeichen der Schutzpolizei … Deutsch Wikipedia
pökə — (Cəlilabad) qorxu. – Heç kəssən pökəm yoxdi … Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti
Pok — 1. De magerschste Pocken (Schweine) frêten de besste Worteln. (Meurs.) – Firmenich, I, 407, 412. *2. Dei Quark Pôk1 hett en Snute2 as en Rattenfänger. (Hildesheim.) – Firmenich, I, 185, 18. 1) Kind. 2) Schnauze. Sinn: Der kleine Knirps weiss sich … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Pok Fu Lam — (Chinese: 薄扶林) or Pokfulam is a residential area on Hong Kong Island, at the western end of the Southern District.Pok Fu Lam is a valley between Victoria Peak and Mount Kellet, around Telegraph Bay. It is best known for its production of… … Wikipedia
Pok Choi — Pak Choi deutsch:Senfkohl Systematik Eurosiden II Ordnung: Kreuzblütlerartige (Brassicales) … Deutsch Wikipedia