

1) точечно
2) поточечный
3) точечно- ∙ pointwise approximated function ≈ точечно аппроксимированная функция pointwise asymptotic value ≈ точечное асимптотическое значение pointwise bounded function ≈ точечно ограниченная функция pointwise closed space ≈ поточечно замкнутое пространство pointwise countable family ≈ точечное счетное семейство pointwise discontinuous function ≈ точечно разрывная функция (неразрывная на плотном множестве) pointwise ergodic theorem ≈ точечная [индивидуальная] эргодическая теорема pointwise finite family ≈ точечно конечное семейство pointwise finite injective dimension ≈ точечно-конечная инъективная размерность pointwise paracompact space ≈ поточечно паракомпактное пространство topology of pointwise convergenceтопология поточечной сходимости - intersecting pointwise - pointwise approximation - pointwise consistency - pointwise construction - pointwise convergence - pointwise countable - pointwise differentiability - pointwise discontinuous - pointwise finite - pointwise interpretation - pointwise limit - pointwise multiplication - pointwise optimal - pointwise optimality - pointwise paracompact - pointwise topology - pointwise transitive - pointwise uniformity

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pointwise" в других словарях:

  • Pointwise — In mathematics, the qualifier pointwise is used to indicate that a certain property is defined by considering each value f(x) of some function f. An example is pointwise convergence of functions mdash; a sequence of functions :{f n}… …   Wikipedia

  • pointwise — /poynt wuyz /, adj. Math. occurring at each point of a given set: pointwise convergence. [1535 45; POINT + WISE] * * * …   Universalium

  • pointwise — /poynt wuyz /, adj. Math. occurring at each point of a given set: pointwise convergence. [1535 45; POINT + WISE] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pointwise mutual information — (PMI) (or specific mutual information) is a measure of association used in information theory and statistics.The PMI of a pair of outcomes x and y belonging to discrete random variables quantifies the discrepancy between the probability of their… …   Wikipedia

  • Pointwise convergence — In mathematics, pointwise convergence is one of various senses in which a sequence of functions can converge to a particular function.[1][2] Contents 1 Definition 2 Properties …   Wikipedia

  • Pointwise product — The pointwise product of two functions is another function, obtained by multiplying the image of the two functions at each value in the domain. If f and g are both functions with domain X and codomain Y , and elements of Y can be multiplied (for… …   Wikipedia

  • pointwise availability — akimirkinė parengtis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. instantaneous availability; pointwise availability vok. momentane Bereitschaft, f rus. мгновенная готовность, f pranc. disponibilité instantanée, f ryšiai: sinonimas – momentinė …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • pointwise — adjective Occurring at each point of a given set …   Wiktionary

  • pointwise — adj. taking place at each point of a given set …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Uniform convergence — In the mathematical field of analysis, uniform convergence is a type of convergence stronger than pointwise convergence. A sequence {fn} of functions converges uniformly to a limiting function f if the speed of convergence of fn(x) to f(x) does… …   Wikipedia

  • Alexandra Bellow — (1935 ndash;) is a mathematician who has made substantial contributions to the fields of ergodic theory, probability and analysis. BiographyShe was born in Bucharest, Romania, as Alexandra Bagdasar. Her parents were both physicians. Her mother,… …   Wikipedia

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