points at infinity

points at infinity
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "points at infinity" в других словарях:

  • Circular points at infinity — Infinity In*fin i*ty, n.; pl. {Infinities}. [L. infinitas; pref. in not + finis boundary, limit, end: cf. F. infinit[ e]. See {Finite}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity; eternity; boundlessness; immensity. Sir T.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Circular points at infinity — In projective geometry, the circular points at infinity in the complex projective plane (also called cyclic points or isotropic points) are (1: i: 0) and (1: −i: 0). Here the coordinates are homogeneous coordinates (x: y: z); so that the line at… …   Wikipedia

  • Circular points at infinity — Circular Cir cu*lar, a. [L. circularis, fr. circulus circle: cf. F. circulaire. See {Circle}.] [1913 Webster] 1. In the form of, or bounded by, a circle; round. [1913 Webster] 2. repeating itself; ending in itself; reverting to the point of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Infinity — In*fin i*ty, n.; pl. {Infinities}. [L. infinitas; pref. in not + finis boundary, limit, end: cf. F. infinit[ e]. See {Finite}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity; eternity; boundlessness; immensity. Sir T. More. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Infinity — In mathematics, infinity is often used in contexts where it is treated as if it were a number (i.e., it counts or measures things: an infinite number of terms ) but it is a different type of number from the real numbers. Infinity is related to… …   Wikipedia

  • infinity — /in fin i tee/, n., pl. infinities. 1. the quality or state of being infinite. 2. something that is infinite. 3. infinite space, time, or quantity. 4. an infinite extent, amount, or number. 5. an indefinitely great amount or number. 6. Math. a.… …   Universalium

  • Circle at infinity — Infinity In*fin i*ty, n.; pl. {Infinities}. [L. infinitas; pref. in not + finis boundary, limit, end: cf. F. infinit[ e]. See {Finite}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity; eternity; boundlessness; immensity. Sir T.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Line at infinity — Ideal line redirects here. For the ideal line in racing, see Racing line. In geometry and topology, the line at infinity is a line which is added to the real (affine) plane in order to give closure to, and remove the exceptional cases from, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Plane at infinity — In projective geometry, the plane at infinity is a projective plane which is added to the affine 3 space in order to give it closure of incidence properties. The result of the addition is the projective 3 space, P^3 . If the affine 3 space is… …   Wikipedia

  • Hyperplane at infinity — In mathematics, in particular projective geometry, the hyperplane at infinity, also called the ideal hyperplane, is an ( n −1) dimensional projective space added to an n dimensional affine space A, such as the real affine n space mathbb{R}^n , in …   Wikipedia

  • Point at infinity — The point at infinity, also called ideal point, is a point which when added to the real number line yields a closed curve called the real projective line, mathbb{R}P^1. The real projective line is not equivalent to the extended real number line,… …   Wikipedia

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