pointing stick
Смотреть что такое "pointing stick" в других словарях:
Pointing stick — Лэптоп ThinkPad с красным pointing stick (сверху слева) и touchpad ом (в центре) Pointing stick (также известен под названиями TrackPoint, PointStick, Track Stick, StickPoint и другими) миниатюрный тензометрический джойстик, применяемый в… … Википедия
Pointing stick — This article is about a computer input device. For the teaching and presentation aid, see Pointer (rod). Pointing stick on a Lenovo ThinkPad … Wikipedia
Pointing Stick — Trackpoint auf einer IBM Tastatur Trackpoint (oben links) in einem ThinkPad Der Trackpoint ist eine Art kleiner Stift, der in die Mitte einer Tastatur (üblicherweise zwischen den Tasten b, g und h) eingelassen ist und die Funktion einer Maus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pointing stick (disambiguation) — Pointing stick may refer to:* Pointer (rod), a solid rod fit to point with * Pointing stick, an isometric joystick used as a pointing device … Wikipedia
pointing stick — /ˈpɔɪntɪŋ stɪk/ (say poynting stik) noun (in tribal Aboriginal culture) a stick used in the procedure of pointing the bone. See bone (def. 31a) …
pointing stick — … Useful english dictionary
Pointing device — A pointing device is an input interface (specifically a human interface device) that allows a user to input spatial (ie, continuous and multi dimensional) data to a computer. CAD systems and graphical user interfaces (GUI) allow the user to… … Wikipedia
Stick — A stick generally refers to a long, slender piece of wood, usually a branch from a tree without the leaves that may be refined.Stick may refer to: *Floorballstick, a small plastic or carbon stick, with a blade, used in floorball *Chopsticks, an… … Wikipedia
Track Stick — Лэптоп ThinkPad с красным pointing stick (сверху слева) и touchpad ом (в центре) Pointing stick (TrackPoint, PointStick, Track Stick, StickPoint, и другие варианты названия) указательное устройство представляющее из себя тензометрический джойстик … Википедия
Pace stick — A Warrant Officer of the Welsh Guards using his pace stick. A pace stick is a long stick usually carried by warrant officer and non commissioned officer drill instructors in the British and Commonwealth armed forces … Wikipedia
Elan (Order of the Stick) — Superherobox caption=Elan, in his Dashing Swordsman outfit, is reunited with Banjo the Clown (his deity). Drawn by Rich Burlew. comic color=background:#8080ff character name=Elan real name= publisher=Giant In The Playground debut= The Order of… … Wikipedia