point-finite base

point-finite base
мат. точечно конечная база

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "point-finite base" в других словарях:

  • Finite topological space — In mathematics, a finite topological space is a topological space for which the underlying point set is finite. That is, it is a topological space for which there are only finitely many points.While topology is mostly interesting only for… …   Wikipedia

  • Base (topology) — In mathematics, a base (or basis) B for a topological space X with topology T is a collection of open sets in T such that every open set in T can be written as a union of elements of B. We say that the base generates the topology T. Bases are… …   Wikipedia

  • Finite element method — The finite element method (FEM) (sometimes referred to as finite element analysis) is a numerical technique for finding approximate solutions of partial differential equations (PDE) as well as of integral equations. The solution approach is based …   Wikipedia

  • Golden ratio base — is a non standard positional numeral system that uses the golden ratio (an irrational number ≈1.61803... symbolized by the Greek letter φ) as its base. It is sometimes referred to as base φ, golden mean base, phi base, or, colloquially, phinary.… …   Wikipedia

  • Floating point — In computing, floating point describes a method of representing real numbers in a way that can support a wide range of values. Numbers are, in general, represented approximately to a fixed number of significant digits and scaled using an exponent …   Wikipedia

  • Misiurewicz point — A Misiurewicz point is a parameter in the Mandelbrot set (the parameter space of quadratic polynomials) for which the critical point is strictly preperiodic (i.e., it becomes periodic after finitely many iterations but is not periodic itself). By …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of topology — This is a glossary of some terms used in the branch of mathematics known as topology. Although there is no absolute distinction between different areas of topology, the focus here is on general topology. The following definitions are also… …   Wikipedia

  • Ε₀ — In mathematics, the epsilon numbers are a collection of transfinite numbers whose defining property is that they are fixed points of an exponential map. Consequently, they are not reachable from 0 via a series of applications of the chosen… …   Wikipedia

  • Quote notation — is a representation of rational numbers for which the addition, subtraction, and multiplication algorithms are the same as for natural numbers, and division is easier than the usual division algorithm, and works in the same right to left… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-integer representation — A non integer representation uses non integer numbers as the radix, or bases, of a positional numbering system. For a non integer radix β > 1, the value of is The numbers di are non negative integers less than β. This is also known as a β… …   Wikipedia

  • HSAB theory — The HSAB concept is an acronym for hard and soft (Lewis) acids and bases. Also known as the Pearson acid base concept, HSAB is widely used in chemistry for explaining stability of compounds, reaction mechanisms and pathways. It assigns the terms… …   Wikipedia

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