point a gun at

point a gun at
целиться в (кого-л., что-л.)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "point a gun at" в других словарях:

  • Gun Kata — is a fictional firearm based martial art invented by Kurt Wimmer and featured in the film Equilibrium (2002). Techniques The Gun Kata is a fictional martial art invented by the writer/director Kurt Wimmer and developed by fight choreographer Jim… …   Wikipedia

  • Point — (point), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pointed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pointing}.] [Cf. F. pointer. See {Point}, n.] 1. To give a point to; to sharpen; to cut, forge, grind, or file to an acute end; as, to point a dart, or a pencil. Used also figuratively; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gun safety — Articleissues|article=y OR=March 2008 refimprove=March 2008 (For discussions on politics concerning firearms and gun safety, see Gun politics. This page deals only with non political aspects of gun safety. For a part of a gun that is called a… …   Wikipedia

  • point — I n. location, position, place, spot 1) to arrive at, reach a point 2) an assembly; cutoff; focal; jumping off; pressure; rallying; salient; starting; turning; vanishing; vantage point 3) the point of no return 4) at a point (at that point in… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • gun — I n. 1) to aim; fire; point a gun at smb. 2) to turn a gun on smb. 3) to draw a gun 4) to hold a gun on smb.; to hold a gun to smb. s head 5) to load; unload a gun 6) to man a gun 7) (artillery) to lay ( adjust ) a gun 8) to carry, pack (AE,… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • gun — gun1 [ gʌn ] noun count *** 1. ) a weapon that shoots bullets, for example a pistol or a rifle. You load a gun with ammunition and pull the trigger to use it: Move! said Cardiff, waving the gun at them. She found herself looking down the barrel… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • gun — I UK [ɡʌn] / US noun [countable] Word forms gun : singular gun plural guns *** 1) a) a weapon that shoots bullets, for example a pistol or a rifle. You load a gun with ammunition and pull the trigger to use it a gang armed with machine guns Move! …   English dictionary

  • point — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, partly from Anglo French, prick, dot, moment, from Latin punctum, from neuter of punctus, past participle of pungere to prick; partly from Anglo French pointe sharp end, from Vulgar Latin *puncta, from Latin,… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Point shooting — is a method of shooting a firearm that relies on a shooter s instinctive reactions and kinematics to quickly engage close targets. Point Shooting does not rely on sights, but instead may place the gun below the line of sight, but in many cases… …   Wikipedia

  • Gun laying — is the process of aiming an artillery piece. The term is also applied to describe the process of aiming smaller calibre weapons by radar or computer control. The gun is typically rotated in a horizontal plane in order gain a line of sight to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Gun politics in the United States — Gun politics in the United States, incorporating the political aspects of gun politics, and firearms rights, has long been among the most controversial and intractable issues in American politics.cite book author=Wilcox, Clyde; Bruce, John W.… …   Wikipedia

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