Смотреть что такое "poetic(al)" в других словарях:
poetic — POÉTIC, Ă, poetici, ce, adj., s.f. 1. adj. Care aparţine poeziei, privitor la poezie. ♦ De poet. 2. adj. fig. Care poate inspira pe poeţi, demn de a fi motiv de inspiraţie; p. ext. impresionant, fermecător. 3. s.f. (Şi adjectival, în sintagma… … Dicționar Român
poetic — poetic, poetical In general, poetic is the more common word, but choice is often dependent on personal preference or on sentence rhythm. There are, however, a few fixed expressions, e.g. the poetical works of, poetic justice, poetic licence … Modern English usage
Poetic — Po*et ic, Poetical Po*et ic*al, a. [L. po[ e]ticus, Gr. ?: cf. F. po[ e]tiquee.] 1. Of or pertaining to poetry; suitable for poetry, or for writing poetry; as, poetic talent, theme, work, sentiments. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Expressed in metrical… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
poetic — (adj.) 1520s, from M.Fr. poetique, from L. poeticus, from Gk. poietikos pertaining to poetry, lit. creative, productive, from poietos made, verbal adjective of poiein to make (see POET (Cf. poet)). Earlier adjective was poetical (late 14c.); also … Etymology dictionary
poetic — UK [pəʊˈetɪk] / US [poʊˈetɪk] or poetical UK [pəʊˈetɪk(ə)l] / US [poʊˈetɪk(ə)l] adjective * 1) expressing ideas in a very sensitive way and with great beauty or imagination Critics are raving about Sokurov s poetic new film. 2) connected with… … English dictionary
Poetic — may refer to:* Poems, or a relation thereof. * Too Poetic, a deceased rapper and hip hop producer … Wikipedia
poetic — [adj] with rhythm and beauty; related to poetic composition anapestic, dactylic, dramatic, elegiac, epic, epical, epodic, iambic, idyllic, imaginative, lyric, lyrical, melodious, metrical, odic, rhythmical, romantic, songlike, tuneful; concept… … New thesaurus
poetic — index original (creative) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
poetic — (also poetical) ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to or of the nature of poetry. DERIVATIVES poetically adverb … English terms dictionary
poetic — [pō et′ik] adj. [MFr poétique < L poeticus < Gr poiētikos] 1. of, characteristic of, like, or fit for a poet or poetry 2. skilled in or fond of poetry 3. written in verse 4. displaying the beauty, imaginative qualities, etc. found in good… … English World dictionary
poetic — poetically, adv. /poh et ik/, adj. Also, poetical. 1. possessing the qualities or charm of poetry: poetic descriptions of nature. 2. of or pertaining to a poet or poets. 3. characteristic of or befitting a poet: poetic feeling; poetic insight. 4 … Universalium