- pococuranteism
- равнодушие, безразличие;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pococuranteism — noun see pococurantism * * * pococurantism / kū rantˈizm/ or pococuranteism / kū rantˈi izm/ noun • • • Main Entry: ↑poco … Useful english dictionary
pococuranteism — po·co·cu·ran·te·ism … English syllables
pococurante — pococurantism /poh koh koo ran tiz euhm, rahn , kyoo /, pococuranteism, n. /poh koh koo ran tee, rahn , kyoo /; It. /paw kaw kooh rddahn te/, n., pl. pococuranti / tee/, adj. n. 1. a careless or indifferent person. adj. 2. caring little;… … Universalium
pococurante — [pō΄kō ko͞o ran′tē, pō΄kōkyo͞oran′tē] adj. [It poco curante < poco (< L paucus, little: see FEW) + curante, prp. of curare, to care < L cura, care: see CURE] caring little; indifferent; apathetic n. an indifferent or apathetic person… … English World dictionary
pococurante — |pōkōkyə|rantē adjective Etymology: Italian poco curante caring little, from poco little + curante caring (present participle of curare to care), from Latin curant , curans, present participle of curare to take care of, heal more at cure : not… … Useful english dictionary