Смотреть что такое "pneumococci" в других словарях:
pneumococci — Gram positive pyogenic organisms (about 1 m m diameter), usually encapsulated, closely related to streptococci; associated with diseases of the lung … Dictionary of molecular biology
pneumococci — pneu·mo·coc·ci (noo″mo kokґsi) plural of pneumococcus … Medical dictionary
pneumococci — n. bacteria that causes pneumonia nuËməʊ kÉ‘kÉ™s / njuËməʊ kÉ’k … English contemporary dictionary
Пневмококк (Pneumococcus, Множ. Pneumococci) — бактерии вида Streptococcus pneumoniae, которые обычно вызывают у человека пневмонию. Пневмококковый (pneumococcal). Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
pneumococcus — pneumococcal /nooh meuh kok euhl, nyooh /, pneumococcic /nooh meuh kok sik, nyooh /, pneumococcous /nooh meuh kok euhs, nyooh /, adj. /nooh meuh kok euhs, nyooh /, n., pl. pneumococci / kok suy, see/. a bacterium, Diplococcus pneumoniae, causing… … Universalium
infectious disease — Introduction in medicine, a process caused by a microorganism that impairs a person s health. An infection, by contrast, is the invasion of and replication in the body by any of various microbial agents including bacteria, viruses (virus),… … Universalium
Avery-MacLeod-McCarty experiment — The Avery MacLeod McCarty experiment was an experimental demonstration, reported in 1944 by Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty, that DNA is the substance that causes bacterial transformation. It was the culmination of research in the … Wikipedia
Griffith , Fred — (1881–1941) British microbiologist Griffith, who was born at Hale in southern England, has been described variously as a “virtual recluse” or “quiet and retiring.” He worked as a bacteriologist at the Ministry of Health s pathology laboratory in… … Scientists
pneumococcemia — The presence of pneumococci in the blood. [pneumococcus + G. haima, blood] * * * pneu·mo·coc·ce·mia or chiefly Brit pneu·mo·coc·cae·mia .n(y)ü mə .käk sē mē ə n the presence of pneumococci in the circulating blood * * * pneu·mo·coc·ce·mia… … Medical dictionary
Discovery and development of cephalosporins — Cephalosporins are a broad class of bactericidal antibiotics that include the β lactam ring and share a structural similarity and mechanism of action with other β lactam antibiotics (e.g. penicillins, carbapenems and aztreonam).[1] The… … Wikipedia
Streptococcus — Not to be confused with Staphylococcus. Streptococcus Scientific classification Kingdom: Bacteria Phylum … Wikipedia