Смотреть что такое "plume-like" в других словарях:
plume´like´ — … Useful english dictionary
plume-like — … Useful english dictionary
plume — [plo͞om] n. [OFr < L pluma, downy part of a feather, small soft feather < IE base * pleus , to pluck out, fluff of wool, hair > FLEECE] 1. a) a feather, esp. a large, fluffy, or showy one b) a cluster of such feathers 2. an ornament made … English World dictionary
plume — plume1 [ plum ] noun count 1. ) a large feather or group of feathers, used especially for decorating a hat 2. ) a long narrow cloud of dust, smoke, etc. that moves upward: There was a loud explosion, followed by a plume of thick black smoke.… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
plume — n. & v. n. 1 a feather, esp. a large one used for ornament. 2 an ornament of feathers etc. attached to a helmet or hat or worn in the hair. 3 something resembling this (a plume of smoke). 4 Zool. a feather like part or formation. v. 1 tr.… … Useful english dictionary
plume bird — Snowy Snow y, a. 1. White like snow. So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Abounding with snow; covered with snow. The snowy top of cold Olympus. Milton. [1913 Webster] 3. Fig.: Pure; unblemished; unstained; spotless … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plume — n. [L. pluma, feather] Feather like structures; plumate adj … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Iceland plume — The Iceland Plume is an upwelling of anomalously hot rock in the Earth s mantle beneath Iceland whose origin probably lies at the boundary between the core and the mantle at ca. 2880 km depth. It is generally thought to be the cause of the… … Wikipedia
Mike Plume — Born May 28, 1968 (1968 05 28) (age 43) Origin Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada Genres Country, Rock … Wikipedia
PUFF-PLUME — is a model used to help predict how air pollution disperses in the atmosphere. It is a Gaussian atmospheric transport chemical/radionuclide dispersion model that includes wet and dry deposition, real time input of meteorological observations and… … Wikipedia
de|plume — «da>eh PLOOM», transitive verb, plumed, plum|ing. 1. to deprive of plumage or feathers. 2. Figurative. to strip of honor, wealth, or the like. ╂[< Old French deplumer < de de + plume feather < Latin plūma] … Useful english dictionary