plug-in device

plug-in device
съемный прибор;
сменный модуль

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "plug-in device" в других словарях:

  • plug — pluggable, adj. pluggingly, adv. plugless, adj. pluglike, adj. /plug/, n., v., plugged, plugging. n. 1. a piece of wood or other material used to stop up a hole or aperture, to fill a gap, or to act as a wedge. 2. a core or interior segment taken …   Universalium

  • Plug-and-play — is a computer feature that allows the addition of a new device, normally a peripheral, without requiring reconfiguration or manual installation of device drivers. Modern plug and play includes both the traditional boot time assignment of I/O… …   Wikipedia

  • plug — [plug] n. [MDu plugge, a bung, plug, block, akin to Ger pflock] 1. an object used to stop up a hole, gap, outlet, etc. 2. a natural concretion or formation that stops up a passage, duct, etc. 3. a small wedge or segment cut from something, as… …   English World dictionary

  • Plug — may refer to: * Plug (comic) * Plug (fishing), a family of fishing lures * Plug (horticulture), a planting technique * An electrical connector ** DC plug, or DC connector ** Power plug ** Power connector ** Jack (connector) * Plug (jewellery), a… …   Wikipedia

  • plug — ► NOUN 1) a piece of solid material fitting tightly into a hole and blocking it up. 2) a device consisting of an insulated casing with metal pins that fit into holes in a socket to make an electrical connection. 3) informal an electrical socket.… …   English terms dictionary

  • Device Bay — was a standard jointly developed by Compaq, Intel and Microsoft in 1997, as a simple way to add, remove, and share hardware devices. Originally intended to be introduced in the second half of 1998, Device Bay was never finalized and has long… …   Wikipedia

  • Plug and Play — (сокр. PnP), дословно переводится как «включил и играй (работай)» технология, предназначенная для быстрого определения и конфигурирования устройств в компьютере и других технических устройствах. Изначальная технология называлась NuBus и была… …   Википедия

  • Plug and Play — Plug′ and Play′ n. cmp a standard for the production of compatible computers, peripherals, and software that facilitates device installation and enables automatic configuration of the system • Etymology: 1990–95 …   From formal English to slang

  • Plug (fishing) — A variety of plug lures. Plugs are a popular type of hard bodied fishing lure. They are widely known by a number of other names depending on the country and region. Such names include crankbait, wobbler, minnow, shallow diver and deep diver. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Plug-in hybrid — The Chevrolet Volt is the first mass production plug in hybrid available in the United States. A plug in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), plug in hybrid vehicle (PHV), or plug in hybrid is a hybrid vehicle which utilizes rechargeable batteries, or …   Wikipedia

  • plug and play — noun : a feature of a computer system by which a new hardware component is automatically detected and configured by the operating system * * * (sometimes l.c.) a standard for the production of compatible computers, peripherals, and software that… …   Useful english dictionary

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