plug-in coil
Смотреть что такое "plug-in coil" в других словарях:
plug — A removable cork or stopper which fills a hole. See blanking plug coil glow plug cold plug core hole plug core plugs drain plug drain plug key drain plug spanner drain plug wrench … Dictionary of automotive terms
coil — [1] Metal bands or strands of wire wrapped in a circular fashion. [2] A pulse type transformer for increasing the voltage to fire the spark plugs. Also see booster coil close coils exciter coil field coil four spark ignition coil glow coil high… … Dictionary of automotive terms
coil glow plug — See open coil glow plug … Dictionary of automotive terms
plug cap — The device on the end of the high tension wire coming from the coil and mounted on the spark plug. Also called spark plug cap … Dictionary of automotive terms
coil wire — The high tension wire going from the coil to the distributor or spark plug … Dictionary of automotive terms
glow plug — An electrical element located in the combustion chamber of a diesel engine which helps to heat up the air in the chamber so that the diesel fuel will be ignited more quickly. Often they are connected in series so that when one becomes defective… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Ignition coil — Bosch ignition coil. Dual ignition coils (blue cylinders, top of picture) on a … Wikipedia
Spark plug — A spark plug (also, very rarely nowadays, in British English: a sparking plug) is an electrical device that fits into the cylinder head of some internal combustion engines and ignites compressed aerosol gasoline by means of an electric spark.… … Wikipedia
Induction coil — An induction coil or spark coil (archaically known as a Ruhmkorff coil) is a type of disruptive discharge coil. It is a type of electrical transformer used to produce high voltage pulses from a low voltage DC supply. To create the flux changes… … Wikipedia
Glow plug (model engine) — For the glow plugs used in automotive diesel engines, see Glowplug A glow plug (alternatively spelled glowplug or glow plug) is a device, similar to a spark plug, used to ignite the fuel in the very small internal combustion engines typically… … Wikipedia
Low tension coil — A low tension coil is an electrical device used to create a spark across the points of an ignitor on early 1900s gasoline engines, generally flywheel engines, hit and miss engines, and other engines of that era. In modern electronic terms, a low… … Wikipedia