plug drain
Смотреть что такое "plug drain" в других словарях:
plug — A removable cork or stopper which fills a hole. See blanking plug coil glow plug cold plug core hole plug core plugs drain plug drain plug key drain plug spanner drain plug wrench … Dictionary of automotive terms
drain plug — Usually a threaded plug at the lowest point of the sump, gearbox, cooling system, etc., which is removed in order to drain the oil or coolant, and typically has a recessed hexagon head. Also see magnetic drain plug oil drain plug oil pan drain… … Dictionary of automotive terms
plug — 01. There was a small hole in our boat which we [plugged] with a towel. 02. The children [plugged] their ears with their fingers while the airplane was taking off. 03. I have a bad cold. My head is aching, my nose is [plugged], and I have a sore… … Grammatical examples in English
drain — [1] To empty a container usually from the bottom. [2] A tube or channel which allows water to run to another place. Also see magnetic drain plug oil drain plug oil drain valve radiator drain cock radiator drain plug … Dictionary of automotive terms
drain plug key — A tool for removing and tightening drain plugs, e.g., on transmissions and engine sumps, either as a multi purpose tool with a number of different drives in the form of hexagonal or square projections at either end for different drain plugs, or… … Dictionary of automotive terms
drain plug wrench — A tool for removing and tightening drain plugs, e.g., on transmissions and engine sumps, either as a multi purpose tool with a number of different drives in the form of hexagonal or square projections at either end for different drain plugs, or… … Dictionary of automotive terms
plug — pluggable, adj. pluggingly, adv. plugless, adj. pluglike, adj. /plug/, n., v., plugged, plugging. n. 1. a piece of wood or other material used to stop up a hole or aperture, to fill a gap, or to act as a wedge. 2. a core or interior segment taken … Universalium
drain — 01. After cooking the noodles for 15 minutes, [drain] them, and mix them with a can of tuna. 02. We d better call a plumber; the [drain] is plugged again. 03. After two weeks of exams, the students were completely [drained]. 04. You shouldn t… … Grammatical examples in English
Plug nozzle — The plug nozzle is a type of rocket engine nozzle that, unlike traditional designs, maintains its efficiency at a wide range of altitudes. It is a member of the class of altitude compensating nozzles, but unlike the aerospike, the plug design is… … Wikipedia
drain plug — A removable plug in the lowest part of a liquid container. The plug is removed to drain the liquid … Aviation dictionary
plug — 1. noun /plʌɡ/ a) A pronged connecting device which fits into a mating socket. I pushed the plug back into the electrical socket and the lamp began to glow again. b) Any piece of wood, metal, or other substance used to stop or fill a hole; a… … Wiktionary