Смотреть что такое "plexiform" в других словарях:
Plexiform — Plex i*form, a. [Plexus + form: cf. F. Plexiforme.] Like network; complicated. Quincy. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plexiform — index sinuous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
plexiform — [plek′si fôrm΄] adj. [< PLEXUS + FORM] like, or in the form of, a plexus or network; complex … English World dictionary
plexiform — ˈpleksəˌfȯrm adjective Etymology: New Latin plexus + English iform : of, relating to, or having the form or characteristics of a plexus the plexiform layer of the retina plexiform synapse ships … pieced together on great plexiform ways by giant… … Useful english dictionary
plexiform — Weblike, or resembling or forming a plexus. [plexus + L. forma, form] * * * plexi·form plek sə .fȯrm adj of, relating to, or having the form or characteristics of a plexus <plexiform networks> * * * plex·i·form (plekґsĭ form)… … Medical dictionary
plexiform — plexus ► NOUN (pl. same or plexuses) 1) Anatomy a network of nerves or vessels in the body. 2) an intricate network or web like formation. DERIVATIVES plexiform adjective. ORIGIN Latin, plaited formation , from plectere to plait … English terms dictionary
plexiform layer — n either of two reticular layers of the retina consisting of nerve cell processes and situated between layers of ganglion cells and cell bodies … Medical dictionary
Plexiform neurofibroma — A plexiform neurofibroma is a tumor of the peripheral nerves which is common in individuals with neurofibromatosis type I, and indeed is diagnostic of that condition. The tumor occurs when Schwann cells multiply out of control within the nerve… … Wikipedia
plexiform neurofibroma — a fusiform, ropelike enlargement of a nerve, consisting of Schwann cells, fibroblasts, and inflammatory cells in a loose myxoid ground, usually occurring as multiple lesions in neurofibromatosis 1, although occasionally arising as a solitary,… … Medical dictionary
plexiform — adjective Etymology: New Latin plexus + English iform Date: circa 1828 of, relating to, or having the form or characteristics of a plexus … New Collegiate Dictionary
plexiform — /plek seuh fawrm /, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or resembling a plexus. 2. intricate; complex. [1820 30; PLEX(US) + I + FORM] * * * … Universalium