- plenum system
- кондиционер и/или обогреватель
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
plenum system — or plenum ventilation noun (architecture) An air conditioning system in which the air propelled into a building is maintained at a higher pressure than that of the atmosphere • • • Main Entry: ↑plenum … Useful english dictionary
plenum system — Jaubert plenum (a natural method of filtration for a reef tank using a plastic grid (called an egg crate) to suspend a thick (8 10cm) layer of coral or aragonite sand above a 2 cm water filled void called the plenum. The system helps in lowering… … Dictionary of ichthyology
plenum system — a system of ventilation based on the mechanical propulsion of air into the room … Medical dictionary
plenum ventilation — noun : a system of ventilation that applies the motive force at the inlets, drives the air through the rooms which become plenums, and avoids the incoming of cold drafts * * * a system of mechanical ventilation in which fresh air is forced into… … Useful english dictionary
Plenum chamber — A plenum chamber is a pressurised housing containing a gas or fluid (typically air) at positive pressure (pressure higher than surroundings). One function of the plenum can be to equalise pressure for more even distribution, because of irregular… … Wikipedia
plenum ventilation — a system of mechanical ventilation in which fresh air is forced into the spaces to be ventilated from a chamber (plenum chamber) at a pressure slightly higher than atmospheric pressure, so as to expel foul air. [1835 45] * * * … Universalium
system — Synonyms and related words: Anschauung, Copernican universe, Einsteinian universe, MO, Newtonian universe, Ptolemaic universe, aggregation, algorithm, all, all being, all creation, allness, anality, angle, angle of vision, apple pie order,… … Moby Thesaurus
plenum — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, neuter of plenus Date: 1678 1. a. a space or all space every part of which is full of matter b. an air filled space in a structure; especially one that receives air from a blower for distribution (as in a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
plenum — Synonyms and related words: Copernican universe, Einsteinian universe, Indian file, Newtonian universe, Ptolemaic universe, air, all, all being, all creation, allness, array, articulation, assemblee, assembly, assignation, at home, atom, atomic… … Moby Thesaurus
Plenum — The space between a hanging ceiling and the floor above or roof; usually contains HVAC ducts, electrical wiring, fire suppression system piping, etc … Energy terms
plenum chamber — [1] A large cast alloy body in an induction system which connects the throttle body or inlet tube to the cylinder head(s) or inlet manifold. [2] The air compartment in a car body formed between the scuttle and the bulkhead, providing a basis for… … Dictionary of automotive terms