Смотреть что такое "plenarily" в других словарях:
Plenarily — Ple na*ri*ly, adv. In a plenary manner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plenarily — adverb in a plenary manner an empire destined to enter the Commonwealth plenarily • Derived from adjective: ↑plenary … Useful english dictionary
plenarily — See plenary. * * * … Universalium
plenarily — plɪËnÉ™rɪlɪ , plen adv. entirely, completely, fully … English contemporary dictionary
plenarily — ple·na·ri·ly … English syllables
plenary — plenarily, adv. /plee neuh ree, plen euh /, adj, n., pl. plenaries. adj. 1. full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified: plenary powers. 2. attended by all qualified members; fully constituted: a plenary session of Congress. n. 3. a plenary… … Universalium
Mainline (Protestant) — for other uses see Mainline (disambiguation)The mainline (also sometimes called mainstream) or mainline Protestant denominations are those Protestant denominations with a mix of conservative, moderate, and liberal theologies. The hallmark of the… … Wikipedia
plenariness — See plenarily. * * * … Universalium
inspiration of the Bible — Most Protestants affirm that the Bible is authoritative in religious matters and not a book like any other, but they differ as to its nature and the manner in which it was inspired. The most popular traditional Protestant approach is to… … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
completely — adv 1. entirely, purely, wholly, stone, totally, comprehensively, plenarily, fully; into thin air, bag and baggage; solidly, soundly; throughout, altogether, nothing short of. 2. thoroughly, extensively, from the ground up, from A to Z, Brit.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
entirely — adv 1. wholly, purely, fully, Latin, in toto, Latin, in extenso. completely; totally, plenarily, aggregately, every whit, every inch, nothing shori of, 100%; comprehensively, extensively, from the ground up, universally, inclusively; soundly,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder