Смотреть что такое "plectrum" в других словарях:
plectrum — 1620s, from L. plectrum, from Gk. plektron thing to strike with (pick for a lyre, cock s supr, spear point, etc.), from plek , root of plessein to strike (see PLAGUE (Cf. plague)) … Etymology dictionary
Plectrum — Plec trum, n.; pl. L. {Plectra}, E. Plectrums . [L., fr. Gr. ? anything to strike with, fr.? to strike.] A small instrument of ivory, wood, metal, or quill, used in playing upon the lyre and other stringed instruments. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plectrum — (v. gr. Plektron), ein hölzernes od. elfenbeinernes Stäbchen, womit die Saiten der Lyra u. der Phorminx angeschlagen wurden … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Plectrum — Plectrum, s. Plektron … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Plectrum — Plectrum, bei den Alten Stäbchen aus Holz oder Elfenbein, zum Spielen der Leier … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
PLECTRUM — Graece πλῆκτρον, pecten est, sive radiolus, quô citharam pulsabant, a verbo πλήςςειν, i. e. percutere. Pulsabant nempe alterâ manu, alterâ premebant nervos certis intervallis. Primus Demopoectus Sicyonius plectri officium ad solam manum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
plectrum — has the plural form plectrums or (in technical use) plectra … Modern English usage
plectrum — ► NOUN (pl. plectrums or plectra) ▪ a thin flat piece of plastic or tortoiseshell used to pluck the strings of a guitar or similar musical instrument. ORIGIN Greek pl ktron something with which to strike , from pl ssein to strike … English terms dictionary
plectrum — [plek′trän΄, plek′trən] n. pl. plectra [plek′trəplek′trəm] n. plectrums or plectra [plek′trə] [L < Gr plēktron, device for plucking the lyre < plēssein, to strike: see PLAINT] a thin piece of metal, bone, plastic, etc., used for plucking… … English World dictionary
Plectrum — Often called a pick or plec, a plectrum is a small flat tool used to pluck or strum a stringed instrument. For guitars and similar instruments, the plectrum is a separate tool held in the player s hand. In harpsichords, the plectra are attached… … Wikipedia
plectrum — /plek treuhm/, n., pl. plectra / treuh/, plectrums. 1. a small piece of plastic, metal, ivory, etc., for plucking the strings of a guitar, lyre, mandolin, etc. 2. Anat., Zool. an anatomical part resembling a plectrum in shape. [1620 30; < L… … Universalium