Смотреть что такое "plectra" в других словарях:
Plectra — Plectrum Plec trum, n.; pl. L. {Plectra}, E. Plectrums . [L., fr. Gr. ? anything to strike with, fr.? to strike.] A small instrument of ivory, wood, metal, or quill, used in playing upon the lyre and other stringed instruments. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plectra — plec·trum || plektrÉ™m n. small piece of plastic or metal used to pluck strings on musical instruments … English contemporary dictionary
Plectranthus — Plectrạnthus [griechisch], die Pflanzengattung Harfenstrauch … Universal-Lexikon
Plectrum — Often called a pick or plec, a plectrum is a small flat tool used to pluck or strum a stringed instrument. For guitars and similar instruments, the plectrum is a separate tool held in the player s hand. In harpsichords, the plectra are attached… … Wikipedia
keyboard instrument — ▪ music Introduction any musical instrument on which different notes can be sounded by pressing a series of keys, push buttons, or parallel levers. In nearly all cases in Western music the keys correspond to consecutive notes in the… … Universalium
Harpsichord — in the Flemish style Bach s Little Prelude in C major being played on a harpsichord. A harpsichord, also known by the name cembalo, is a musical instrument pla … Wikipedia
PLECTRUM — Graece πλῆκτρον, pecten est, sive radiolus, quô citharam pulsabant, a verbo πλήςςειν, i. e. percutere. Pulsabant nempe alterâ manu, alterâ premebant nervos certis intervallis. Primus Demopoectus Sicyonius plectri officium ad solam manum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
plectrum — [plek′trän΄, plek′trən] n. pl. plectra [plek′trəplek′trəm] n. plectrums or plectra [plek′trə] [L < Gr plēktron, device for plucking the lyre < plēssein, to strike: see PLAINT] a thin piece of metal, bone, plastic, etc., used for plucking… … English World dictionary
Electric piano — The earliest electric pianos were invented in the late 1920s; the 1929 Neo Bechstein electric grand piano was among the first. Probably the earliest stringless model was Lloyd Loar s Vivi Tone Clavier .The last instruments of this type were made… … Wikipedia
Oval spinet — The oval spinet is a type of harpsichord invented in the late 17th century by Bartolomeo Cristofori, the Italian instrument maker who later achieved fame for inventing the piano. The oval spinet was unusual for its shape, the arrangement of its… … Wikipedia
harpsichord — harpsichordist, n. /hahrp si kawrd /, n. a keyboard instrument, precursor of the piano, in which the strings are plucked by leather or quill points connected with the keys, in common use from the 16th to the 18th century, and revived in the 20th … Universalium