- plea in bar
- заявление по существу иска, заявление против права предъявить иск
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Plea in bar — Bar Bar (b[aum]r), n. [OE. barre, F. barre, fr. LL. barra, W. bar the branch of a tree, bar, baren branch, Gael. & Ir. barra bar. [root]91.] 1. A piece of wood, metal, or other material, long in proportion to its breadth or thickness, used as a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plea in bar — see plea Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. plea in bar … Law dictionary
plea in bar — a plea entered by the defendant that constitutes a bar to the plaintiff s action … Useful english dictionary
plea in bar — A pleading interposed by the defendant in an action as a complete defense, designed to defeat the action for all time. 41 Am J1st Pl § 115. A plea by an accused in a criminal case, asserting any matter in confession and avoidance not admissible… … Ballentine's law dictionary
plea in bar — legal plea that omits the pretext for trial … English contemporary dictionary
Special plea in bar — Special Spe cial, a. [L. specialis, fr. species a particular sort, kind, or quality: cf. F. sp[ e]cial. See {Species}, and cf. {Especial}.] 1. Of or pertaining to a species; constituting a species or sort. [1913 Webster] A special is called by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
special plea in bar — a plea in bar admitting the facts alleged but avoiding the action by setting forth particular and new matter distinguished from general issue; compare issue 6a … Useful english dictionary
plea — / plē/ n [Anglo French plei plai legal action, trial, from Old French plait plaid, from Medieval Latin placitum, from Latin, decision, decree, from neuter of placitus, past participle of placēre to please, be decided] 1 a: an allegation of fact… … Law dictionary
Bar — (b[aum]r), n. [OE. barre, F. barre, fr. LL. barra, W. bar the branch of a tree, bar, baren branch, Gael. & Ir. barra bar. [root]91.] 1. A piece of wood, metal, or other material, long in proportion to its breadth or thickness, used as a lever and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bar shoe — Bar Bar (b[aum]r), n. [OE. barre, F. barre, fr. LL. barra, W. bar the branch of a tree, bar, baren branch, Gael. & Ir. barra bar. [root]91.] 1. A piece of wood, metal, or other material, long in proportion to its breadth or thickness, used as a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bar shot — Bar Bar (b[aum]r), n. [OE. barre, F. barre, fr. LL. barra, W. bar the branch of a tree, bar, baren branch, Gael. & Ir. barra bar. [root]91.] 1. A piece of wood, metal, or other material, long in proportion to its breadth or thickness, used as a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English